Economics miscellaneous
- Tooth paste is a product sold under :
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Monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition such that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one another as goods but not perfect substitutes (such as from branding, quality, or location). In monopolistic competition, a firm takes the prices charged by its rivals as given and ignores the impact of its own prices on the prices of other firms. There are six characteristics of monopolistic competition (MC): (a) Product differentiation; (b) many firms; (c) Free entry and exit in the long run; (d) Independent decision making; (e) market power; and (f) Buyers and Sellers do not have perfect information. Toothpastes, toilet papers, computer software and operating systems are examples of differentiated products.
Correct Option: A
Monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition such that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one another as goods but not perfect substitutes (such as from branding, quality, or location). In monopolistic competition, a firm takes the prices charged by its rivals as given and ignores the impact of its own prices on the prices of other firms. There are six characteristics of monopolistic competition (MC): (a) Product differentiation; (b) many firms; (c) Free entry and exit in the long run; (d) Independent decision making; (e) market power; and (f) Buyers and Sellers do not have perfect information. Toothpastes, toilet papers, computer software and operating systems are examples of differentiated products.
- In a Capitalistic Economy, the prices are determined by :
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Capitalism generally refers to economic system in which the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for a profit, structured on the process of capital accumulation. In general, investments, distribution, income, and pricing is determined by markets. In capitalism, prices are decided by the demand-supply scale. For example, higher demand for certain goods and services lead to higher prices and lower demand for certain goods lead to lower prices.
Correct Option: A
Capitalism generally refers to economic system in which the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for a profit, structured on the process of capital accumulation. In general, investments, distribution, income, and pricing is determined by markets. In capitalism, prices are decided by the demand-supply scale. For example, higher demand for certain goods and services lead to higher prices and lower demand for certain goods lead to lower prices.
- The value of a commodity expressed in terms of money is known as
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The exchange value of every commodity can be expressed in terms of money. This possibility has enabled money to become a medium for expressing values when the growing elaboration of the scale of values which resulted from the development of exchange necessitated a revision of the technique of valuation. When value is expressed in terms of money, it is called price. Thus, price can be defined as exchange value of a commodity expressed in terms of money.
Correct Option: A
The exchange value of every commodity can be expressed in terms of money. This possibility has enabled money to become a medium for expressing values when the growing elaboration of the scale of values which resulted from the development of exchange necessitated a revision of the technique of valuation. When value is expressed in terms of money, it is called price. Thus, price can be defined as exchange value of a commodity expressed in terms of money.
- The ‘break-even’ point is where
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Break-even is the point of balance between making either a profit or a loss. In economics & business, specifically cost accounting, the break-even point (BEP) is the point at which cost or expenses and revenue are equal: there is no net loss or gain, and one has “broken even”. A profit or a loss has not been made, although opportunity costs have been “paid”, and capital has received the risk-adjusted, expected return.
Correct Option: C
Break-even is the point of balance between making either a profit or a loss. In economics & business, specifically cost accounting, the break-even point (BEP) is the point at which cost or expenses and revenue are equal: there is no net loss or gain, and one has “broken even”. A profit or a loss has not been made, although opportunity costs have been “paid”, and capital has received the risk-adjusted, expected return.
- ‘Law of demand’ implies that when there is excess demand for a commodity, then
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The Law of demand states that the quantity demanded and the price of a commodity are inversely related, other things remaining constant. That is, if the income of the consumer, prices of the related goods, and preferences of the consumer remain unchanged, then the change in quantity of good demanded by the consumer will be negatively correlated to the change in the price of the good. When there is excess demand of the commodity the price starts rising and it continues to rise till equilibrium price is reached.
Correct Option: C
The Law of demand states that the quantity demanded and the price of a commodity are inversely related, other things remaining constant. That is, if the income of the consumer, prices of the related goods, and preferences of the consumer remain unchanged, then the change in quantity of good demanded by the consumer will be negatively correlated to the change in the price of the good. When there is excess demand of the commodity the price starts rising and it continues to rise till equilibrium price is reached.