Economics miscellaneous

Economics miscellaneous

  1. National Income include :

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    National income is the total value a country’s final output of all new goods and services produced in one year. So construction of a new house is certainly output of goods. Transfer payments are not a part of the national income. So private sector transfers including charitable donations and prizes to lottery winners are excluded from it.

    Correct Option: D

    National income is the total value a country’s final output of all new goods and services produced in one year. So construction of a new house is certainly output of goods. Transfer payments are not a part of the national income. So private sector transfers including charitable donations and prizes to lottery winners are excluded from it.

  1. National Income Estimates in India are prepared by:

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    Since 1955 the national income estimates are being prepared by Central Statistical Organization. The CSO uses different methods like the Product Method, Income Method and Expenditure method for various sectors in the process of estimating the National Income.

    Correct Option: D

    Since 1955 the national income estimates are being prepared by Central Statistical Organization. The CSO uses different methods like the Product Method, Income Method and Expenditure method for various sectors in the process of estimating the National Income.

  1. Depreciation is equal to —

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    Net national product at market price is the market value of the output of final goods and services produced at current price in one year of a country. If we subtract the depreciation charges from the gross national product, we get net national product at market price. So depreciation = Gross National ProductNet National Product,

    Correct Option: A

    Net national product at market price is the market value of the output of final goods and services produced at current price in one year of a country. If we subtract the depreciation charges from the gross national product, we get net national product at market price. So depreciation = Gross National ProductNet National Product,

  1. What is needed for creating demand ?

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    Demand refers to how much (quantity) of a product or service is desired by buyers. The quantity demanded is the amount of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price; the relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand relationship. So for demand to originate, a product is required first.

    Correct Option: A

    Demand refers to how much (quantity) of a product or service is desired by buyers. The quantity demanded is the amount of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price; the relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand relationship. So for demand to originate, a product is required first.

  1. Full employment is a situation where

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    Full employment refers to a situation in which every able bodied person who is willing to work at the prevailing rate of wages is, in fact, employed. It implies absence of involuntary unemployment which occurs when those who are willing to work at the going wage rate do not get work.

    Correct Option: B

    Full employment refers to a situation in which every able bodied person who is willing to work at the prevailing rate of wages is, in fact, employed. It implies absence of involuntary unemployment which occurs when those who are willing to work at the going wage rate do not get work.