Home » Aptitude » Alligation or Mixture » Question
  1. A grocer buys two kind of rice at Rs. 1·80 and Rs. 1·20 per kg respectively. In what proportion should these be mixed, so that by selling the mixture at Rs. 1·75 per kg, 25 % may be gained ?
    1. 2 : 1
    2. 3 : 2
    3. 3 : 4
    4. 1 : 2
Correct Option: D

Given that :- S.P. of 1 kg mixture = Rs. 1·75, Gain = 25%

∴ Mean price = Rs.
1·75 × 100

Mean price = Rs. 1·40
∴ (Dearer rice) : (Cheaper rice) = 20 : 40
Hence , (Dearer rice) : (Cheaper rice) = 1 : 2.

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