Speed, Time and Distance

  1. A car is moving with the speed of 47.52km/hr and the radius of the wheel of car is 21 cm. Calculate the approximate number of revolutions made by the wheel in one minute.

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    Circumference of circle = 2πr
    Where r = radius of circle

    Correct Option: C

    Speed in cm/minute = (Speed in km/hr x 1000 x100 )/60
    = 47.52x(50/3)
    =79200 cm/min

    And Circumference of circle = 2πr
    =2 x ( 22 / 7 ) x 21

    No. of revolutions = ( Speed in cm/minute ) / circumference of circle in cm
    =79200 / 132
    =600 rpm

  1. A train running at 8/11 of its own speed reached a place in 51/2 h. How much time could be saved, if the train would have run as its own speed ?

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    New speed = 8/11 of usual speed
    New time = 11/8 of usual time
    ∴ 11/8 of usual time = 11/2 h

    Correct Option: C

    New speed = 8/11 of usual speed
    New time = 11/8 of usual time
    ∴ 11/8 of usual time = 11/2 h
    ⇒ Usual time = (11 x 8)/(2 x 11) = 4 h
    ∴ Time saved = 51/2- 4
    = 11/2

  1. Two men start together to walk a certain distance, one at 4 km/h and another at 3 km/h. The former arrives half an hour before the latter. Find the distance.

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    Let total distance = x km
    According to the question,
    x/3 - x/4 = 1/2;

    Correct Option: A

    Let total distance = x km
    According to the question,
    x/3 - x/4 = 1/2;
    ⇒ x/12 = 1/2
    ∴ x = 6 km

  1. A person riding a bike crosses a bridge with a speed of 54 km/h. What is the length of the bridge, if he takes 4 min to cross the bridge?

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    Length of the bridge = Distance travelled by the person in 4 min = Speed x Time
    Speed = 54 km/h = 54 x (5/18) = 3 x 5 = 15 m/s
    Time = 4 min = 4 x 60 = 240 s

    Correct Option: A

    Length of the bridge = Distance travelled by the person in 4 min = Speed x Time
    Speed = 54 km/h = 54 x (5/18) = 3 x 5 = 15 m/s
    Time = 4 min = 4 x 60 = 240 s
    ∴ Required length = 15 x 240 = 3600 m

  1. At his usual rowing speed, Kapil can travel 12 miles downstream in a certain river in 6 h less than he takes to travel the same distance upstream. But, If he could double his usual rowing speed for his 24 miles round trip, the downstream 12 miles would then take only 1 h less than the upstream 12 miles. What is the speed of the current ?

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    Let speed of Kapil in still water = x
    and speed of the current= y
    ∴ Speed upstream = (x - y)
    and speed downstream = (x + y)

    According to the question,
    12/(x - y) - 12/(x + y) = 6
    ⇒ 6(x2 - y2) = 24y
    ⇒ x2 - y2 = 4y
    ⇒ x2 = 4y + y2 ....(i)

    Again, 12/(2x - y) - 12/(2x + y) = 1
    ⇒ 4x2 - y2 = 24y
    ⇒ x2 = (24y + y2)/4 ....(ii)

    Correct Option: A

    Let speed of Kapil in still water = x
    and speed of the current= y
    ∴ Speed upstream = (x - y)
    and speed downstream = (x + y)

    According to the question,
    12/(x - y) - 12/(x + y) = 6
    ⇒ 6(x2 - y2) = 24y
    ⇒ x2 - y2 = 4y
    ⇒ x2 = 4y + y2 ....(i)

    Again, 12/(2x - y) - 12/(2x + y) = 1
    ⇒ 4x2 - y2 = 24y
    ⇒ x2 = (24y + y2)/4 ....(ii)

    From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
    4y + y2 = (24y + y2)/4
    ⇒ 16y +4y2 = 24y + y2
    ⇒ 3y2 = 8y
    ∴ y = 8/3 = 22/3 mile/h