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  1. A company offers 3 types of successive discounts : (i) 25% and 15%, (ii) 30% and 10%, (iii) 35% and 5%. Which offer is the best for a customer?
    1. First offer
    2. Second offer
    3. Third offer
    4. Any one; all are equally good
Correct Option: C

Use the below formula to calculate the Equivalent discount.

Successive discounts of D1 % and D2 % is overall equals to = D1 + D2
D1 × D2

Where D1 = Discount 1 and D2 = Discount 2
(i) : Equivalent discount
= 25 + 15 −
25 × 15

= (40 – 3.75) % = 36.25%
(ii) : Equivalent discount
= 30 + 10 −
30 × 10

= (40 – 3) % = 37%
(iii) : Equivalent discount
= 35 + 5 −
30 × 10

= (40 – 1.75) % = 38.25%
Clearly, third offer is best for a customer.

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