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  1. The marked price is 20% higher than cost price. A discount of 20% is given on the marked price. By this type of sale, there is
    1. 4% loss
    2. 2% loss
    3. no loss no gain
    4. 4% gain
Correct Option: A

Let Cost price = ₹ 100
Marked price = ₹ 120

Selling price =
120 × 80
= ₹ 96

∴  Loss = 4 and loss percent = 4%
2nd method to solve this question.
Here, r = 20%, r1 = 20%
Loss % =
r ×(100 − r1)
− r1

Loss % =
20 × (100 − 20)
− 20

Loss % =
20 × 80
− 20

Loss % = –4% (–ve sign shows loss)
Required Loss % = 4% loss

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