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  1. If the price of an item is increased by 30 % and then allows two successive discounts of 10 % and 10 % . In last the price of an item is?
    1. Increased by 10%
    2. Increased by 5.3%
    3. decreased by 3%
    4. decreased by 5.3%
Correct Option: B

Let the cost price of item = ₹ N
∴ Marked price of item = N x (100 + 30)/100 = ₹ 13N/10

Selling price of the item after two successive discount = (13N/10) x[ (100 - 10)/100 x (100 - 10)/100]
= (13N/10) x (90/100) x (90/100) = ₹ 1053N/1000

Increment in the price of item = [{(1053N/1000) - N} / N] x 100 %
= 53/10 %
= 5.3 %

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