4th April, 1988 was Monday. What day of the week was it, on 6th November 1987 ?
- Tuesday
- Friday
- Sunday
- Saturday
- None of the above
Correct Option: B
Number of odd days between 6th November, 1987 and 4th April, 1988 .
= (30 - 6) days of November 1987+ 31 days of December 1987 + 31 days of January 1988 + 29 days of February
1988 + 31 days March 1988 + 4 days of April 1988
= {(30 - 6 ) + 31 } + (31 + 29 + 31 + 4)
= 24 + 31 + 31 + 29 + 31 + 4 = 150
= 21 weeks + 3 days = 3 odd days
∴ 6th November, 1987 will be three days backward from Monday.
∴ Required day is Friday.