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  1. A banker discounts a 4 months bill at 3 %. If the proceeds be invested in a manner, so that nothing is lost, the interest rate should be :
    1. 3%
    2. 4%
    3. 31%
    4. 31%
    5. None of these
Correct Option: C

Here , 4 months = 1 years
& there4; Banker deducts ₹3 ×1= ₹1 from a bill of ₹100

Banker 's discount = ₹1
So, the banker pays ₹(100 - 1) = ₹99.
Amount = ₹ 99
So, the bill-holder loses ₹1.
So, for investment ₹1 should be interest on ₹99 for 4 months.
∴ Rate of interest =Banker 's discount × 100%
Amount × Time

∴ Rate of interest =1 × 100= 100= 31%
99 × 4/123333

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