Control systems miscellaneous

Control systems miscellaneous

  1. The system with transfer function
    s2(1 + sT)

    is operated in closed-loop with unity feedback. The closed-loop system is—

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    C.E. = 1 + G (s) H (s) = 0

    = 1 +
    1 = s2 + s3T + K = 0
    s2(1 + sT)

    There is missing term of s1. Hence the system is unstable.

    Correct Option: B

    C.E. = 1 + G (s) H (s) = 0

    = 1 +
    1 = s2 + s3T + K = 0
    s2(1 + sT)

    There is missing term of s1. Hence the system is unstable.

  1. Given that the transfer function G (s) is
    s2(1 + sT)
    State the type and order of the system—

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    Type = 2, Order = 3

    Correct Option: A

    Type = 2, Order = 3

  1. The transfer function G (s) is
    s2(1 + sT)
    . This open-loop system will be—

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    C.E. of the given O.L.T.F. ⇒ 1 + G (s) = 0

    ⇒ 1 +
    = 0
    s2(1 + sT)

    ⇒ s2 + s3T + K = 0
    ⇒ s3 T + s2 + K = 0
    system is unstable since there is missing terms of s1.

    Correct Option: A

    C.E. of the given O.L.T.F. ⇒ 1 + G (s) = 0

    ⇒ 1 +
    = 0
    s2(1 + sT)

    ⇒ s2 + s3T + K = 0
    ⇒ s3 T + s2 + K = 0
    system is unstable since there is missing terms of s1.

  1. A system has the transfer function (1 – s)/ (1 + s). It is a—

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    A system with

    T.F =
    1 - s
    T + s

    is a non-minimum phase system because a non-minimum phase system have at least one pole and/or zero in the R.H. side plane for nonminimum phase system as ω → ∞, phase angle φ ≠ – 90° (n – m). In this case, phase is – tan–1 ωT – tan–1 ωT
    = – 2 tan–1 ωT = – 180° as ω → ∞.

    Correct Option: A

    A system with

    T.F =
    1 - s
    T + s

    is a non-minimum phase system because a non-minimum phase system have at least one pole and/or zero in the R.H. side plane for nonminimum phase system as ω → ∞, phase angle φ ≠ – 90° (n – m). In this case, phase is – tan–1 ωT – tan–1 ωT
    = – 2 tan–1 ωT = – 180° as ω → ∞.

  1. An all pass network imparts only—

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    Transfer function of an all pass network,
    = 1 – s 1 + s = 1 – jω 1 + jω, ∠ φ = tan– 1 (ω) – tan– 1 ω
    As ω → ∞, ∠ φ → – 180°
    However, if the transfer function

    1 - s
    1 -jω
    1 + s1 – jω

    ∠ φ = tan–1 ω – tan–1 (– ω) = 2 tan–1 ω,
    as ω → ∞, ∠ φ → + 180°.
    Thus, an all pass transfer function impart ± 180° phase shift to the input. Hence alternative .

    Correct Option: D

    Transfer function of an all pass network,
    = 1 – s 1 + s = 1 – jω 1 + jω, ∠ φ = tan– 1 (ω) – tan– 1 ω
    As ω → ∞, ∠ φ → – 180°
    However, if the transfer function

    1 - s
    1 -jω
    1 + s1 – jω

    ∠ φ = tan–1 ω – tan–1 (– ω) = 2 tan–1 ω,
    as ω → ∞, ∠ φ → + 180°.
    Thus, an all pass transfer function impart ± 180° phase shift to the input. Hence alternative .