Unitary Method

  1. A certain industrial loom weaves 0.128 meters of cloth every second. Approximately how many seconds will it take for the loom to weave 25 meters of cloth?

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    A certain industrial loom weaves 0.128 meters of cloth in 1 second.
    A certain industrial loom weaves 1 meters of cloth in 1/0.128 second.

    Correct Option: D

    A certain industrial loom weaves 0.128 meters of cloth in 1 second.
    A certain industrial loom weaves 1 meters of cloth in 1/0.128 second.
    A certain industrial loom weaves 25 meters of cloth in 25 x 1/ 0.128 second.
    A certain industrial loom weaves 25 meters of cloth in 195.312 second.

  1. If 18 binders bind 900 books in 10 days, How many binders will be required to bind 660 books in 12 days?

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    According to given question,
    Since 900 books are bonded in 10 days by 18 binders.
    1 books are bonded in 10 days by 18 / 900 binders.
    1 books are bonded in 1 days by 18 x 10 / 900 binders.
    660 books are bonded in 1 days by 18 x 10 x 660 / 900 binders.

    Correct Option: D

    According to given question,
    Since 900 books are bonded in 10 days by 18 binders.
    1 books are bonded in 10 days by 18 / 900 binders.
    1 books are bonded in 1 days by 18 x 10 / 900 binders.
    660 books are bonded in 1 days by 18 x 10 x 660 / 900 binders.
    660 books are bonded in 12 days by 18 x 10 x 660 / 12 x 900 binders.
    660 books are bonded in 12 days by 18 x 10 x 55 / 900 binders.
    660 books are bonded in 12 days by 18 x 55 / 90 binders.
    660 books are bonded in 12 days by 55 / 5 binders.
    660 books are bonded in 12 days by 11 binders.

  1. If the Price of 6 toys is Rs. 264.37, What will be the approximate price (Rs) of 5 toys?

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    Given in the question,
    Price of 6 toys is Rs. 264.37.
    ∴ Price of 1 toys is Rs. 264.37/ 6 .
    ∴ Price of 5 toys is Rs. 264.37 x 5 / 6 .

    Correct Option: D

    Given in the question,
    Price of 6 toys is Rs. 264.37.
    ∴ Price of 1 toys is Rs. 264.37/ 6 .
    ∴ Price of 5 toys is Rs. 264.37 x 5 / 6 .
    ∴ Price of 5 toys is Rs. 44 x 5 .
    ∴ Price of 5 toys is Rs. 220.

  1. A flagstaff 17.5 meters high casts a shadow of length 40.25 meters. What will be the height of a building, which casts a shadow of length 28.75 meters under similar conditions?

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    According to question,
    A shadow of length 40.25 meters is build for a height of 17.5 meters.
    A shadow of length 1 meters is build for a height of 17.5 /40.25 meters.

    Correct Option: A

    According to question,
    A shadow of length 40.25 meters is build for a height of 17.5 meters.
    A shadow of length 1 meters is build for a height of 17.5 /40.25 meters.
    A shadow of length 28.75 meters is build for a height of 17.5 x 28.75 /40.25 meters.
    A shadow of length 28.75 meters is build for a height of 17.5 x 2875 /4025 meters.
    A shadow of length 28.75 meters is build for a height of 17.5 x 575 /805 meters.
    A shadow of length 28.75 meters is build for a height of 17.5 x 115/161 meters.
    A shadow of length 28.75 meters is build for a height of 12.5 meters.

  1. If 7 spiders make 7 webs in 7 days, then 1 spider will make 1 web in how many days?

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    Given in the question,
    M1 = 7 spiders , D1 = 7 days , W1 = 7 webs
    M2 = 1 spider , D2 = ? , W2 = 1 web
    We know that ,

    M1D1 = M2D2

    Correct Option: C

    Given in the question,
    M1 = 7 spiders , D1 = 7 days , W1 = 7 webs
    M2 = 1 spider , D2 = ? , W2 = 1 web
    We know that ,

    M1D1 = M2D2

    7 x 7 = 1 x D2

    ⇒ D2 = 7 x 1 = 7 days .
    Hence , 1 spider will make 1 web in 7 days .