Statement and Argument

An argument is designed to either support defend a statement argument generates only after the accomplishment of the statement.

In this type of question A statement which is based on different issues of the society or nation stated, followed by certain arguments in favour or against the statement. The candidates have to understand and analyse the statement first then the arguments and on the basis of analysis he or she has to respond.

Ex. 1:
Statement: Should education be brought under the control of the central Government like defence?
Argument: I. No, Education is a state subject and it should remain with the state.
II. Yes, this is the only way to establish uniformity in growth of education across the states.
Solution: As we can understand from the statement that the benefits of they education can reach better to the masses if looked after by the state governing bodies rather than the central body. So I hold strong. And II is weak.

Ex. 2:
Statement: Should India immediately stop digging coal from its mines?
Arguments: I. Yes. The present stock of coal will not last long if we continue mining at the present rate.
II. No. We do not have alternate energy source of sufficient quantity.
III. No. This will put millions of people at a disadvantage and their lives will get adversely affected and also the industry.
(a) Only I and II are strong
(b) Only II and III are strong
(c) Only I and III are strong
(d) All are strong
(e) None is strong
Solution: (b) we know the reserves of coal are limited, but we don’t have discovered the alternate sources of energy till date. So, I is not strong. It is true that we haven’t till date found a renewable source of energy which is available in plenty and can substitute coal. So, II holds strong. Further, stopping coal mining would surely throw the engaged workers out of employment. So, III also holds strong.

Statement: Should the incharge of all the police stations in the country be transferred every two years ?
Arguments: I. No, this will create a lot of administrative hassles and also will create a lot of inconvenience to the police officers.
II.Yes this is the only way to eradicate the nexus between police officers and anti-social elements.
(a) If only Argument I is strong
(b) If only Argument II is strong
(c) If neither I nor II Is strong
(d) If both I and II are strong
Solution:- Correct Option: (a)
Argument I is strong because, if all the police officers are transferred after every two years, then it will create a lot of administrative hassles and it will also create lot of inconvenience to the police officers. The use of term 'only'in the Argument II makes it invalid.

Should Indian restart bus service between India and the neighboring country, which is supposed to be the epicenter of cross- border terrorism in Indian ?
Arguments: I. Yes, it will increase the scope of getting better health services, quality products, and doing good business, besides easing tension between the two countries, and give impetus to mutual harmony.
II. No, it will be used for smuggling of fake currency, spurious drugs, sophisticated arms etc.
Solution:- Correct Option:(a)
I is strong on the ground of convenience brought to the people. II is not strong because restarting bus services between the two countries does not mean that the services will be without security check-up.

Should the government levy tax agricultural income also?
Arguments I. Yes, that is the only way to fill government's coffer.
II. No, 80% of our population live in rural areas.
(a) if only Arguments I is strong
(b) if only Arguments II is strong
(c) if either I or II is strong
(d) if neither I nor II is strong
Solution:- Correct Option:(d)
Argument I and II both are weak, the argument that government's coffer can be filed only with the tax on agriculture is totally irrelevant secondly, it cannot be said that all the 80% rural population are poor.