Statement and Argument
Direction: In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between ''Strong'' arguments and ''Weak'' arguments insofar as they relate to the question. ''Strong'' arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. ''Weak'' arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.
- Statement:
Should the habit of being absent from the class-room be checked in educational institutions?
I. Yes. Otherwise it will create a poor image of the institute in the society.
II. No. This will be an act of encroaching upon one's liberty.
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Both I and II are weak argument. I portrays a trivial aspect, hence it is weak. II is weak because it advocates for one's liberty not in a rational sense.
Correct Option: D
Both I and II are weak argument. I portrays a trivial aspect, hence it is weak. II is weak because it advocates for one's liberty not in a rational sense.
- Statement:
Should government hospitals charge user charges from those government employees who pay income taxes?
I. Yes. This will lessen the burden of the government and money thus accumulated will be helpful in providing more facilities to the needy .
II. No. It will be an injustice towards those persons who pay income texes as a revenue to the country.
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I is strong , because it will make the financial position of hospital more strong and since user charges will be paid by the income-tax payer class, this user charge will put only a nominal burden on the budget of the class. II is a strong argument because the very reason why the state collects taxes is to provide physical and social infrastructure.
Correct Option: E
I is strong , because it will make the financial position of hospital more strong and since user charges will be paid by the income-tax payer class, this user charge will put only a nominal burden on the budget of the class. II is a strong argument because the very reason why the state collects taxes is to provide physical and social infrastructure.
- Statement:
Should TV channels is be allowed to telecast soft porn films?
I. Yes, it will help in satisfying youngsters' aphrodosiomania as a result of which cases related with woman 's molestation will reduce to some extent.
II. No, it is against or tradition. Any such act will degrade our social value, especially for children, who use television as a medium of entertainment as well as education.
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The advantage shown in argument I is unlikely to be true and farfetched. But II is strong because we should not ignore our tradition.
Correct Option: B
The advantage shown in argument I is unlikely to be true and farfetched. But II is strong because we should not ignore our tradition.
- Statement:
Should children be prevented completely form using the Internet?
Arguments :
I. No. Internet is a medium of education where children get education with entertainment.
II. Yes. There are some sites available on Internet which show porno film or programmes etc, which affect the child's mind to a great extent; recent surveys have revealed most of the users of these sites are children.
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I is strong because a good medium of education thought entertainment must not be banned. II is a weak argument because just because of a few sites it would be not wise to ban children completely form using the Internet.
Correct Option: A
I is strong because a good medium of education thought entertainment must not be banned. II is a weak argument because just because of a few sites it would be not wise to ban children completely form using the Internet.
- Statement:
Should the pension schemes in government services be abolished?
I. Yes, this will reduce the number of aspiring candidates to a great extent and it will be easy for the common man to get into govt services.
II. No, this will destroy the very purpose of providing financial help to the employee so that they can sustain themselves in old age.
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I is an absurd arguments. Hence it is weak. II is a strong argument because it goes into the reason behind the pension schemes. And how the move will badly effect the employee's life.
Correct Option: B
I is an absurd arguments. Hence it is weak. II is a strong argument because it goes into the reason behind the pension schemes. And how the move will badly effect the employee's life.