Statement and Argument

Direction: In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between ''Strong'' arguments and ''Weak'' arguments insofar as they relate to the question. ''Strong'' arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. ''Weak'' arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.

  1. Statement:
    Should government doctors be brought within the purview of the Consumer Protection Act?
    I. No, any such will endanger the life of the patient because it will impose some hindrances to the doctors in some cases in which patients are in critical condition.
    II. Yes, a patient invests money in improving his/her health. He/she has full right to get required service form doctors and if he/she incurs any loss then for compensation it is necessary to bring the doctors within the purview of the Consumer Protection Act.

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    I is strong because a doctor may have to take certain risks to save the the patient's life. II is strong because negligence should not deprive the patients of their legitimate rights.

    Correct Option: E

    I is strong because a doctor may have to take certain risks to save the the patient's life. II is strong because negligence should not deprive the patients of their legitimate rights.

  1. Statement:
    Should we allow foreign scholars to deliver lectures in India?
    I. Yes. India is a secular state and our constitution allows every citizen exchange views as one of the fundamental rights.
    II. No. Discourses delivered by foreign scholars might adversely affect our age-old existing traditional culture.

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    I is weak because the constitutional provision cited here applies only to Indian citizens. II is weak because it is only a tentative proposition. Note the word might.

    Correct Option: D

    I is weak because the constitutional provision cited here applies only to Indian citizens. II is weak because it is only a tentative proposition. Note the word might.

  1. Statement:
    Should our government allow migrants from other countries to work in India?
    I. No. Our country is poverty-ridden and comprises a large number of unemployed people. Any such step will aggravate problems of our country.
    II. Yes, It is the duty of every country to pave way for livelihood for all the inhabitants, irrespective of citizenship.

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    I is strong argument. As the employment opportunities in India are limited, so any share in it by foreigners will reduce the opportunities for Indians. But II is weak. It is not the duty of any country to give opportunity for work to foreigners.

    Correct Option: A

    I is strong argument. As the employment opportunities in India are limited, so any share in it by foreigners will reduce the opportunities for Indians. But II is weak. It is not the duty of any country to give opportunity for work to foreigners.

  1. Statement:
    Should the government hike postal rates?
    I. No. A large number of poor people get benefits from postal facilities. Increase in postal rates will impede this weaker section to exchange views with others.
    II. Yes. Government has been providing postal facility at meagre rates and incurring losses which is not good for the economy of the country.

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    Both are strong arguments. I will hinder the poor citizens but II will minimise the loss form postal services to the government.

    Correct Option: E

    Both are strong arguments. I will hinder the poor citizens but II will minimise the loss form postal services to the government.

  1. Statement:
    Should a poverty-ridden country invest money in hosting international games?
    I. Yes, international games bring many countries on a single platform and evolve co-ordination among these countries.
    II. No. To host international games, a huge amount of money will be needed which will adversely affect welfare programmes aimed at eradicating poverty.

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    I is weak because though it supports a noble cause, this has nothing to do with poverty. II is strong because affordability cannot be overlooked.

    Correct Option: B

    I is weak because though it supports a noble cause, this has nothing to do with poverty. II is strong because affordability cannot be overlooked.