Statement and Argument

Direction: In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between ''Strong'' arguments and ''Weak'' arguments insofar as they relate to the question. ''Strong'' arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. ''Weak'' arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.

  1. Statement:
    ''Each one teach one'' is the best policy to spread elementary education in India .
    I. Yes, if 60% literate people teach 40% illiterates Indians then it seems quite possible.
    II. No, people have no time to spend for development of the society because naturally they are more keen to earn their livelihood .

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    II is not strong because no excuse can be put up against the society's development.

    Correct Option: A

    II is not strong because no excuse can be put up against the society's development.

  1. Statement:
    Should the minimum age of 25 years for entry to bars and pubs be reduced?
    I. Yes. A person is mature enough to differentiate between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong once he/she attains the age of 18-20 years, the age when one gets voting right .
    II. No. By this age, a person passes though various realities. It is usually after this age that one attains social maturity and economic independence. Reduction in this age limit would result in exposing the youth to risks owing to amateur decisions.

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    I is strong because it advocates that one gets maturity by the age of 18-20 years. II is also strong because it advocates that one gets social maturity only by the age 25 years. Hence, both are strong arguments.

    Correct Option: E

    I is strong because it advocates that one gets maturity by the age of 18-20 years. II is also strong because it advocates that one gets social maturity only by the age 25 years. Hence, both are strong arguments.

  1. Statement:
    Should police pickets on road be not allowed to check luggages of travellers by stopping buses?
    I. Yes. The move causes great inconvenience to travellers and contributes to some extent in causing traffic jams.
    II. No. The move will curtail the right of the police.

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    I is strong because citizens feel unnecessarily harassed.

    Correct Option: A

    I is strong because citizens feel unnecessarily harassed.

  1. Statement:
    Should frequent strikes called by teachers be banned?
    I. Yes. Going on strike every time affects the interests of then youngsters to a large extent.
    II. No. If teachers do their best for the students they must not be deprives of the platform to show their grievances.

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    See the phrase 'frequent stakes'. Argument I advocates the effect caused by the frequent strikes on youngsters. Hence, I is strong . But II is not strong . Because here our core issue is banning of frequent strikes and not all types of strikes.

    Correct Option: A

    See the phrase 'frequent stakes'. Argument I advocates the effect caused by the frequent strikes on youngsters. Hence, I is strong . But II is not strong . Because here our core issue is banning of frequent strikes and not all types of strikes.

  1. Statement:
    Should there be a strict action against those who uses ancient rocks for advertisement purposes?
    I. No. The cheapest and most cost-effective mode of advertisement must not be banned.
    II. Yes. It is necessary to conserve our heritage sites at any cost.

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    I is not strong because it neglects the heritage value. II is obviously strong.

    Correct Option: B

    I is not strong because it neglects the heritage value. II is obviously strong.