Statement and Argument
Direction: In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between ''Strong'' arguments and ''Weak'' arguments insofar as they relate to the question. ''Strong'' arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. ''Weak'' arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.
- Statement:
Should the government withdraw its order making police intimation mandatory for citizens hosting foreign visitors?
I. No, foreign visitors have been involved in several bomb blasts and hijacking aeroplanes and many other cases of attempts to harm integrity of the nation.
II. Yes, this order will give free hand to police to harass citizens.
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I is strong because only police verification can ensure the past background and intentions of these foreign visitors. II is a weak argument. Every law can abused. So should we do away with laws?
Correct Option: A
I is strong because only police verification can ensure the past background and intentions of these foreign visitors. II is a weak argument. Every law can abused. So should we do away with laws?
Direction: In making decisions about important question it is desirable to be able to distinguish between 'strong' 'argument and 'weak' argument. Strong argument are those which are both important and directly related to the question. 'weak' argument are those which are minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trival aspect of the question.
Each questions has two argument numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the argument is a strong or weak.
- Should the parents in India in future be forced to opt for only one child as against two or many at present?
I. Yes, this is the only way to check the ever - increasing population of India.
II. No, this type of pressure tactic is not adopted by any other country in the world.
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As I is weak because it Superfluous, it dose not go into the reason for population control. II. Is an argument by example and hence weak.
Correct Option: D
As I is weak because it Superfluous, it dose not go into the reason for population control. II. Is an argument by example and hence weak.
- Should the sex determination test during pregnancy be completely banned?
I. yes this leads to indiscriminate female fanticide and eventually will lead to social imbalance.
II. No, people have a right to know about their unborn child.
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I is strong because female foeticide is undesirable. II is weak.
Correct Option: A
I is strong because female foeticide is undesirable. II is weak.
- Should there be a complete ban on mining coal in India?
I. Yes, the present stock of coal will not last long if we continue mining at the present rate.
II. No, we do not have alternate energy source of sufficient quantity.
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I is weak because it is not relevant to "complete ban". II is a strong argument because banning mining in such a scenario will lead us into great trouble.
Correct Option: B
I is weak because it is not relevant to "complete ban". II is a strong argument because banning mining in such a scenario will lead us into great trouble.
- Should there be uniforms for students in the colleges in India as in the schools?
I Yes, this will improve the ambiance of the colleges as all the students will be decently dressed.
II. No, college students should not be regimented and they should be left to choose their clothes for coming to college.
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I is strong as improved ambience is desirable.
II is strong because regimentation of adults is undesirable.Correct Option: E
I is strong as improved ambience is desirable.
II is strong because regimentation of adults is undesirable.