Statement and Argument
Direction: In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between ''Strong'' arguments and ''Weak'' arguments insofar as they relate to the question. ''Strong'' arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. ''Weak'' arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.
- Statement:
Should sex education be made a part of syllabus in schools?
I. Yes, sex will not be considered taboo.
II. No, it would increase wrong-doers since they are not so mature.
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A is a weak arguments. What is wrong if sex is considered taboo ? The argument fails to go into reasons . B is not strong because it undermines the capacity of sex education itself.
Correct Option: D
A is a weak arguments. What is wrong if sex is considered taboo ? The argument fails to go into reasons . B is not strong because it undermines the capacity of sex education itself.
- Statement:
Should use of mobile phone be banned while driving?
I. Yes, most of the time it causes accident.
II. No, this can create a major problem for mobile users.
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A is strong because prevention of accidents must be given top priority. B is weak because it talks of "major problem "vaguely.
Correct Option: A
A is strong because prevention of accidents must be given top priority. B is weak because it talks of "major problem "vaguely
- Statement :
Should commercial vehicles which are more then 10 years old be banned on the road ?
I. Yes, they cause more pollution on the road.
II. No,there well be a major loss to the owners.
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A is strong because pollution has become a threat to our environment . B is strong because losses to vehicle-owners can' t be ignored.
Correct Option: D
A is strong because pollution has become a threat to our environment . B is strong because losses to vehicle-owners can' t be ignored
- Statement:
Should there be jumbo size ministry in the Govt ?
I. No, it causes more expenditure.
II. Yes, there are so many portfolios that it is necessary.
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A is strong because fiscal deficit has gone out of control. B is not strong because as far as portfolios are concerned, they will go on increasing if you subdivide them. And at such a pace, you may end up with a ministry for every tiny aspect.
Correct Option: A
A is strong because fiscal deficit has gone out of control. B is not strong because as far as portfolios are concerned, they will go on increasing if you subdivide them. And at such a pace, you may end up with a ministry for every tiny aspect.
- Statement:
Professional education packages should be given more emphasis than traditional education.
I. Yes, professional education has much more productive implications for industries.
II. No, other disciplines would face a though existence.
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When we are talking about the entire education system, we can 't make policy only on the basis of a particular field. hence I is not strong. II is strong because it is a fact that only professional can 't be sufficient for all the fields.
Correct Option: B
When we are talking about the entire education system, we can 't make policy only on the basis of a particular field. hence I is not strong. II is strong because it is a fact that only professional can 't be sufficient for all the fields.