Indian polity miscellaneous
- Total assembly segments in Delhi are :
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There are 70 assembly segments in Delhi. In accordance with the recommendations of the Balakrishnan Committee, the Parliament passed the Constitution (69th Amendment) Act, 1991, which inserted the new Articles 239 AA and 239 AB in the Constitution providing, inter alia, for a Legislative Assembly for Delhi.
Correct Option: C
There are 70 assembly segments in Delhi. In accordance with the recommendations of the Balakrishnan Committee, the Parliament passed the Constitution (69th Amendment) Act, 1991, which inserted the new Articles 239 AA and 239 AB in the Constitution providing, inter alia, for a Legislative Assembly for Delhi.
- The maximum time a person can continue to be the minister of the State Government without being a member of the state legislature _____.
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A non-member may be appointed a Minister in the state Government provided he gets a seat in the State Legislature within a period of six months from the date of his appointment. This has been mentioned in Article 164 of the Indian Constitution.
Correct Option: C
A non-member may be appointed a Minister in the state Government provided he gets a seat in the State Legislature within a period of six months from the date of his appointment. This has been mentioned in Article 164 of the Indian Constitution.
- An ordinance issued by the Governor, without the approval of the State Legislature shall be effective for a period of
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The Governor has the power of making ordinances during the recess of the legislature to meet some emergency. A Governor’s Ordinance ceases to operate six weeks after the reassembly of the legislature if not disapproved by the state legislature.
Correct Option: B
The Governor has the power of making ordinances during the recess of the legislature to meet some emergency. A Governor’s Ordinance ceases to operate six weeks after the reassembly of the legislature if not disapproved by the state legislature.
- Who is the highest Law Officer of a State ?
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The highest Law Officer of a State is Advocate General.
Correct Option: D
The highest Law Officer of a State is Advocate General.
- A State cannot exist without
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The state has four essential elements. These are:
(1) population,
(2) territory (land),
(3) government,
(4) sovereignty (or independence).
The first two elements constitute the physical or material basis of the state while the last two form its political and spiritual basis.Correct Option: D
The state has four essential elements. These are:
(1) population,
(2) territory (land),
(3) government,
(4) sovereignty (or independence).
The first two elements constitute the physical or material basis of the state while the last two form its political and spiritual basis.