Indian polity miscellaneous

  1. Who is eligible to cast the deciding vote over a bill in a Joint Parliamentary session?

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    Joint Session of Parliament is called when a Bill is passed by one House and rejected by the other House and in case where the amendment proposed to a Bill in one House is rejected by other House and also in case the other House sits on a Bill without taking any action for six months. The Speaker of Lok Sabha is eligible to cast the deciding vote over a bill in a Joint Parliamentary session.

    Correct Option: C

    Joint Session of Parliament is called when a Bill is passed by one House and rejected by the other House and in case where the amendment proposed to a Bill in one House is rejected by other House and also in case the other House sits on a Bill without taking any action for six months. The Speaker of Lok Sabha is eligible to cast the deciding vote over a bill in a Joint Parliamentary session.

  1. When the offices of both the President and Vice President of India are vacant, who will discharge their functions?

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    If the posts of both the President and the VicePresident fall vacant at any time, the Chief Justice of India acts as President till the new President assumes office. So far ths situation arose once in 1969 when the then President died and the then Vice President V.V. Giri resigned from his office in order to contest the election of President. As per the legal provisions, the Chief Justice of India, M. Hidayatullah was appointed the acting President of India.

    Correct Option: C

    If the posts of both the President and the VicePresident fall vacant at any time, the Chief Justice of India acts as President till the new President assumes office. So far ths situation arose once in 1969 when the then President died and the then Vice President V.V. Giri resigned from his office in order to contest the election of President. As per the legal provisions, the Chief Justice of India, M. Hidayatullah was appointed the acting President of India.

  1. Which of the following taxes is exclusively and totally assigned to the Central Government by the Constitution?

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    The authority to levy a tax is derived from the Constitution of India which allocates the power to levy various taxes between the Centre and the State. Article 246 of the Indian Constitution, distributes legislative powers including taxation, between the Parliament of India and the State Legislature. Taxes of Central government under constitutionally established scheme of taxation are: taxes on income other than agricultural income; duties of customs including export duties; corporation tax; taxes on capital value of assets, exclusive of agricultural land, of individuals and companies, taxes on capital of companies; estate duty in respect of property other than agricultural land, etc.

    Correct Option: D

    The authority to levy a tax is derived from the Constitution of India which allocates the power to levy various taxes between the Centre and the State. Article 246 of the Indian Constitution, distributes legislative powers including taxation, between the Parliament of India and the State Legislature. Taxes of Central government under constitutionally established scheme of taxation are: taxes on income other than agricultural income; duties of customs including export duties; corporation tax; taxes on capital value of assets, exclusive of agricultural land, of individuals and companies, taxes on capital of companies; estate duty in respect of property other than agricultural land, etc.

  1. What is the minimum age laid down for a candidate to seek election to the Lok Sabha?

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    Membership of the Lok Sabha requires that the person be a citizen of India, aged 25 or over, mentally sound, should not be bankrupt and must not have been criminally convicted. Ongoing criminal proceedings against the said individual in courts do not disqualify the person from membership of the Lok Sabha; however this must be clearly mentioned while filing the affidavit to the Election Commission.

    Correct Option: C

    Membership of the Lok Sabha requires that the person be a citizen of India, aged 25 or over, mentally sound, should not be bankrupt and must not have been criminally convicted. Ongoing criminal proceedings against the said individual in courts do not disqualify the person from membership of the Lok Sabha; however this must be clearly mentioned while filing the affidavit to the Election Commission.

  1. What is the maximum time interval permissible between two successive sessions of the Parliament?

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    The period during which the House meets to conduct its business is called a session. The Constitution empowers the President to summon each House at such intervals that there should not be more than 6 month’s gap between the two sessions. Hence the Parliament must meet at least twice a year.

    Correct Option: B

    The period during which the House meets to conduct its business is called a session. The Constitution empowers the President to summon each House at such intervals that there should not be more than 6 month’s gap between the two sessions. Hence the Parliament must meet at least twice a year.