Indian polity miscellaneous

  1. Name of the country from which the constitutional features of procedures for amendment was borrowed by India.

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    The makers of Indian constitution borrowed the feature of amendment procedures from South Africa. The procedure of amendment in the constitution is laid down in Part XX (Article 368) of the Constitution of India. Besides, the provision of indirect election of members of the Rajya Sabha was also borrowed from the South African constitution.

    Correct Option: C

    The makers of Indian constitution borrowed the feature of amendment procedures from South Africa. The procedure of amendment in the constitution is laid down in Part XX (Article 368) of the Constitution of India. Besides, the provision of indirect election of members of the Rajya Sabha was also borrowed from the South African constitution.

  1. Who among the following proposed the suggestion for a Constituent Assembly first in 1935?

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    The idea of Constituent assembly of India was first put forward by Manabendra Nath Roy or MN Roy in 1934. In 1935, it became the official demand of Indian National Congress. It was accepted in August 1940 in the August Offer; however, it was constituted under the Cabinet Mission plan of 1946. The constituent assembly drafted the constitution of India.

    Correct Option: D

    The idea of Constituent assembly of India was first put forward by Manabendra Nath Roy or MN Roy in 1934. In 1935, it became the official demand of Indian National Congress. It was accepted in August 1940 in the August Offer; however, it was constituted under the Cabinet Mission plan of 1946. The constituent assembly drafted the constitution of India.

  1. The idea of parliamentary form of government is adapted from

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    The Constitution of India provides for a parliamentary form of government, both at the Centre and in the states that has been borrowed from the United Kingdom. The parliamentary government is also known as cabinet government or responsible government or Westminster model of government and is prevalent in Japan, Canada, among others.

    Correct Option: B

    The Constitution of India provides for a parliamentary form of government, both at the Centre and in the states that has been borrowed from the United Kingdom. The parliamentary government is also known as cabinet government or responsible government or Westminster model of government and is prevalent in Japan, Canada, among others.

  1. What is popular sovereignty?

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    Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of the government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (Rule by the People), who are the source of all political power. It is also known as sovereignty of the people.

    Correct Option: D

    Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of the government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (Rule by the People), who are the source of all political power. It is also known as sovereignty of the people.

  1. Constitutional Monarchy means :

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    Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a king or queen acts as Head of State. The Sovereign/Monarch governs according to the constitution that is, according to rules, rather than according to his or her own free will. The ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament.

    Correct Option: C

    Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a king or queen acts as Head of State. The Sovereign/Monarch governs according to the constitution that is, according to rules, rather than according to his or her own free will. The ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament.