Indian polity miscellaneous
- What Constitutional provision enables the Central Government to provide reservations in jobs and educational institutions for the weaker sections of the society ?
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Article 16 of the Constitution of India is a bundle of contradictions, as on the one hand it deals with equality of opportunity in matters of public employment, and, on the other, it enables the government to provide for reservation in public employment. Article 16 provides that there shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in the matters of employment or appointment to any office under the State. This Article also provides that no citizen shall be ineligible for any office or employment under the State on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth or any of them.
Correct Option: B
Article 16 of the Constitution of India is a bundle of contradictions, as on the one hand it deals with equality of opportunity in matters of public employment, and, on the other, it enables the government to provide for reservation in public employment. Article 16 provides that there shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in the matters of employment or appointment to any office under the State. This Article also provides that no citizen shall be ineligible for any office or employment under the State on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth or any of them.
- During emergency, imposed under Art. 352, which of the following Constitutional provisions stands suspe-nded ?
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National emergency under article 352 of the Indian Constitution is caused by war, external aggression or armed rebellion in the whole of India or a part of its territory. In such an emergency, Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens can be suspended. The six freedoms under Right to Freedom are automatically suspended. However, the Right to Life and Personal Liberty cannot be suspended according to the original Constitution. It modifies the federal system of government to a unitary one.
Correct Option: C
National emergency under article 352 of the Indian Constitution is caused by war, external aggression or armed rebellion in the whole of India or a part of its territory. In such an emergency, Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens can be suspended. The six freedoms under Right to Freedom are automatically suspended. However, the Right to Life and Personal Liberty cannot be suspended according to the original Constitution. It modifies the federal system of government to a unitary one.
- Article-32 of the Indian constitution relates to :
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The sole object of the Article 32 of the Constitution of India is the enforcement of the fundamental rights guaranteed under Part III of the Constitution of India. By including Article 32 in the Fundamental Rights, the Supreme Court has been made the protector and guarantor of these Rights.
Correct Option: C
The sole object of the Article 32 of the Constitution of India is the enforcement of the fundamental rights guaranteed under Part III of the Constitution of India. By including Article 32 in the Fundamental Rights, the Supreme Court has been made the protector and guarantor of these Rights.
- Which among the following Articles of the Indian Constitution provides for State emergency and suspends constitutional arrangement in a State ?
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President’s rule is enabled by Article 356 of the Constitution of India, which gives authority to impose central rule if there has been failure of the constitutional machinery in any state of India. During President’s Rule, a Governor appointed by the Central Government assumes executive authority. Since the governor is appointed by the President of India on the advice of the central government, the state’s policies are controlled by the ruling party at the centre.
Correct Option: B
President’s rule is enabled by Article 356 of the Constitution of India, which gives authority to impose central rule if there has been failure of the constitutional machinery in any state of India. During President’s Rule, a Governor appointed by the Central Government assumes executive authority. Since the governor is appointed by the President of India on the advice of the central government, the state’s policies are controlled by the ruling party at the centre.
- Which Article of the Indian constitution provides for the employer to give maternity benefits to its employees ?
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Article 42 of the Indian Constitution has provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief. It comes under the Directive Principles of State Policy.
Correct Option: B
Article 42 of the Indian Constitution has provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief. It comes under the Directive Principles of State Policy.