Indian polity miscellaneous

  1. Which one of the following ceased to be a fundamental right under the Constitution?

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    The Constitution originally provided for the right to property under Articles 19 and 31. The FortyForth Amendment of 1978 deleted the right to property from the list of fundamental rights.

    Correct Option: C

    The Constitution originally provided for the right to property under Articles 19 and 31. The FortyForth Amendment of 1978 deleted the right to property from the list of fundamental rights.

  1. The success of democracy depends upon the

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    Right to personal liberty is the bedrock of any democratic set up. In India, the right to life and personal liberty is available to all people and so is the right to freedom of religion. Time and again, the Supreme Court has reiterated that the word liberty is a very comprehensive word.

    Correct Option: C

    Right to personal liberty is the bedrock of any democratic set up. In India, the right to life and personal liberty is available to all people and so is the right to freedom of religion. Time and again, the Supreme Court has reiterated that the word liberty is a very comprehensive word.

  1. As per Indian Constitution, the Right to Property is a

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    The Forty-Forth Amendment of 1978 deleted the right to property from the list of fundamental rights. So it is now a legal right, not a fundamental right.

    Correct Option: C

    The Forty-Forth Amendment of 1978 deleted the right to property from the list of fundamental rights. So it is now a legal right, not a fundamental right.

  1. Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution were taken from the Constitution of

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    The makers of the Constitution of India were influenced by the Irish nationalist movement. Hence, the Directive Principles of the Indian constitution have been greatly influenced by the Directive Principles of State Policy as enshrined in the Irish Constitution.

    Correct Option: B

    The makers of the Constitution of India were influenced by the Irish nationalist movement. Hence, the Directive Principles of the Indian constitution have been greatly influenced by the Directive Principles of State Policy as enshrined in the Irish Constitution.

  1. Which case is related to Fundamental Rights?

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    In the famous case of Golaknath V. State Of Punjab, in 1967 the Court ruled that Parliament could not curtail any of the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution. the issues involved in this case were: whether Amendment is a “law” under the meaning of Article 13(2) and whether Fundamental Rights can be amended or not.

    Correct Option: A

    In the famous case of Golaknath V. State Of Punjab, in 1967 the Court ruled that Parliament could not curtail any of the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution. the issues involved in this case were: whether Amendment is a “law” under the meaning of Article 13(2) and whether Fundamental Rights can be amended or not.