Indian polity miscellaneous

  1. The President of the Union of India has the same constitutional authority as the

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    The President is the formal head of the executive, legislature and judiciary of India. India achieved independence from the United Kingdom, on 15 August 1947, as a Dominion within the Commonwealth of Nations. However, this status was only a temporary measure, as India’s political leadership did not consider it appropriate for the new country to share a monarch with the former colonial power. Under the new constitution, India became a republic. The office of Governor-General and role of the King were swept aside, being replaced by the new office of President of India.

    Correct Option: A

    The President is the formal head of the executive, legislature and judiciary of India. India achieved independence from the United Kingdom, on 15 August 1947, as a Dominion within the Commonwealth of Nations. However, this status was only a temporary measure, as India’s political leadership did not consider it appropriate for the new country to share a monarch with the former colonial power. Under the new constitution, India became a republic. The office of Governor-General and role of the King were swept aside, being replaced by the new office of President of India.

  1. The Vice-President of India is also the

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    The Vice President also serves as the ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha (Council of States). Thus, apart from holding the executive position of successor to the President, the Vice President also serves the legislative role of Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. This unique duality is not shared by any other Commonwealth Country, and was borrowed from the Constitution of the United States.

    Correct Option: B

    The Vice President also serves as the ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha (Council of States). Thus, apart from holding the executive position of successor to the President, the Vice President also serves the legislative role of Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. This unique duality is not shared by any other Commonwealth Country, and was borrowed from the Constitution of the United States.

  1. The Constitution of India lays down that the two Houses of Parliament must be summoned at least

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    The period during which the House meets to conduct its business is called a session. The Constitution empowers the President to summon each House at such intervals that there should not be more than 6 month’s gap between the two sessions. Hence the Parliament must meet at least twice a year.

    Correct Option: C

    The period during which the House meets to conduct its business is called a session. The Constitution empowers the President to summon each House at such intervals that there should not be more than 6 month’s gap between the two sessions. Hence the Parliament must meet at least twice a year.

  1. The Electoral College that elects the President of India consists of

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    The President is chosen by an electoral college consisting of the elected members of both houses of Parliament, the elected members of the State Legislative Assemblies (Vidhan Sabha) and the elected members of the legislative assemblies of the Union Territories of Delhi and Puducherry.

    Correct Option: C

    The President is chosen by an electoral college consisting of the elected members of both houses of Parliament, the elected members of the State Legislative Assemblies (Vidhan Sabha) and the elected members of the legislative assemblies of the Union Territories of Delhi and Puducherry.

  1. Representation of any state in Rajya Sabha is according to

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    The Fourth Schedule to the Constitution provides for allocation of seats to the States and Union Territories in Rajya Sabha. The allocation of seats is made on the basis of the population of each State. Consequent on the reorganization of States and formation of new States, the number of elected seats in the Rajya Sabha allotted to States and Union Territories has changed from time to time since 1952.

    Correct Option: B

    The Fourth Schedule to the Constitution provides for allocation of seats to the States and Union Territories in Rajya Sabha. The allocation of seats is made on the basis of the population of each State. Consequent on the reorganization of States and formation of new States, the number of elected seats in the Rajya Sabha allotted to States and Union Territories has changed from time to time since 1952.