Direction and Distance

  1. A tourist drives 10 km towards West and turns to left and takes a drive of another 4 km. He then drives towards East another 4 km and then turns to his right and drives 5 km. Afterwards he turns to his left and travels 6 km. In which direction is he from the starting point?

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    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question.

    Correct Option: D

    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question. We can see that according to graph he is in south direction from the starting point.

  1. Mani starts from college and walks 3 kms towards East, turns right and walks 2 kms, turns right again and walks. What is the direction he is now facing?

  1. View Hint View Answer Discuss in Forum

    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question.

    Correct Option: C

    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question. We can see that according to graph It is clear from the diagram that he is facing towards West.

  1. Govind starts from his house towards West. After walking a distance of 25 metres he turned towards right and walked 10 metres. He then turned left and moving a distance of 10 metres, turned to his left again and walked 40 metres. He now turns to the left and walks 5 metres. Finally he turns to his left. In which direction is he walking now?

  1. View Hint View Answer Discuss in Forum

    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question.

    Correct Option: A

    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question. We can see that according to graph It is clear from the diagram that, now he is walking towards North.a

  1. Raghu starts from his house in his car and travels 8 km towards the North, then 6 km towards East then 10 km towards his right, 4 km towards his left, 10 km towards North and finally 4 km towards his right. In which direction is he now with reference to the starting point?

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    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question.

    Correct Option: B

    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question. We can see that according to graph

  1. Going 40 m to the south of his house, Ramdev turns left and goes another 10 m. Then turning to the North, he goes 20 m and then starts walking to his house. In which direction is he walking now?

  1. View Hint View Answer Discuss in Forum

    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question.

    Correct Option: A

    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question. We can see that according to graph It is clear from the diagram that Ramdev is now walking towards North–West.