Direction and Distance

  1. Rani and Sarita started from a place X. Rani went West and Sarita went North, both travelling with the same speed. After sometimes, both turned their left and walked a few steps. If they again turned to their left, in which directions’ the faces of Rani and Sarita will be with respect to X?

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    Consider a starting point X and draw the below figure as per given instruction in the question.

    Correct Option: D

    Consider a starting point X and draw the below figure as per given instruction in the question.
    After drawing a figure we can see that the >b>Rani is facing towards East and Sarita is facing towards South.

  1. Raj is standing in the middle of a square field. He starts walking diagonally to North-East. Then he turns right and reaches the far end of the field. Then he turns right and starts walking. In the midway he again turns right and starts walking. In halfway, he turns to his left and reaches a new far end. In what direction is Raj now?

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    Draw a Square figure and then move according to the given instruction as per the question.

    Correct Option: D

    Draw a Square figure and then move according to the given instruction as per the question.
    It is clear from the diagram that Raj is in North-West direction.

  1. After walking 10 m, Shankar turned left and covered a distance of 6 m, then turned right and covered a distance of 20 m. In the end, he was moving toward the south. From which direction did Shankar start his journey?

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    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question.
    Refer the direction graph for direction movement.

    Correct Option: B

    Draw a figure as per given instruction in the question.
    By seeing the graph figure, we can say that the Shankar starts his journey from North position.

  1. Tina drives 45 kms towards East, turns right and drives 65 kms, then turns left and drives 33 kms. In which direction is she facing now?

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    Draw a figure with the help of Direction graph and as per given instruction.

    Correct Option: A

    After drawing a figure with the help of Direction graph and as per given instruction in the question. we can say that It is clear from the diagram that Tina is facing East.

  1. A man walks 6 kms South, turns left and walks 4 kms, again turns left and walks 5 kms. Which direction is he facing now?

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    Draw a figure with the help of Direction graph and as per given instruction in the question.

    Correct Option: B

    After drawing a diagram with the help of Direction graph and as per given instruction in the question. It is clear from the diagram that the man is facing north.