Sentence Improvement

Direction: In these questions, a part of the sentence is given in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2 and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (4).

  1. India will enter the league of major developed nations as a space giant within a short time.

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    power (Noun) : strength or influence in a particular area of activity giant (Noun) : a very large and powerful organisation
    Here, power is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    power (Noun) : strength or influence in a particular area of activity giant (Noun) : a very large and powerful organisation
    Here, power is the right usage.

  1. Birds sit on the boughs of trees in my garden and with their sweet notes fill the air with music.

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    The basic sentence structure is as follows :

    Subject →
    Verb →
    fillthe sweet notes

    Hence, fill the air by their sweet notes is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    The basic sentence structure is as follows :

    Subject →
    Verb →
    fillthe sweet notes

    Hence, fill the air by their sweet notes is the right usage.

  1. Not only they went to see a film, but also had dinner out.

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    Not only _____ but also are Correlative Conjunctions.
    Sentence structure is as follows :
    Not only + Aux. verb + Subject
    Not only + did + they
    Hence, Not only did they go is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    Not only _____ but also are Correlative Conjunctions.
    Sentence structure is as follows :
    Not only + Aux. verb + Subject
    Not only + did + they
    Hence, Not only did they go is the right usage.

  1. The loud and incessant chatter worries your father who is trying to concentrate.

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    irritates (Verb.) : to annoy somebody, especially by something you continuously do or by something that continuously happens incessant (Adj.) : never stopping ; constant annoys (Verb.) : to make some body slightly angry ; irritates
    Here, irritates is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    irritates (Verb.) : to annoy somebody, especially by something you continuously do or by something that continuously happens incessant (Adj.) : never stopping ; constant annoys (Verb.) : to make some body slightly angry ; irritates
    Here, irritates is the right usage.

  1. If you want to save money you must get rid of shopping.

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    cut down on (Phr. V.) : to reduce get rid of (Phr. V.) : to make yourself free of something that is annoying or that you do not want or do not want to do
    Here, cut down on is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    cut down on (Phr. V.) : to reduce get rid of (Phr. V.) : to make yourself free of something that is annoying or that you do not want or do not want to do
    Here, cut down on is the right usage.