Sentence Improvement

Direction: In the following questions, a sentence/part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold sentence/part of the sentence at (1), (2) and (3) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is No Improvement.

  1. I hope you will be able to steer ahead of the anti-social elements.

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    Keep/stay/steer clear : to avoid a person or thing because it may cause problems.
    Hence, steer clear is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    Keep/stay/steer clear : to avoid a person or thing because it may cause problems.
    Hence, steer clear is the right usage.

  1. We have been retracing our steps to the log cabin ten minutes ago.

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    The sentence shows past time as ago has been used.
    Hence, had to retrace is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    The sentence shows past time as ago has been used.
    Hence, had to retrace is the right usage.

  1. The blue whale was thriving in all of the world’s oceans until the turn of the century, at which time they became hunted to the point of extinction.

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    Blue whales were thriving in all of the world’s oceans until the turn of the century is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    Blue whales were thriving in all of the world’s oceans until the turn of the century is the right usage.

  1. I was struck by his singular appearance.

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    No Improvement

    Correct Option: C

    No Improvement

  1. He does not laugh, nor he smiles.

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    As the structure suggests, nor does he smile is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    As the structure suggests, nor does he smile is the right usage.