Sentence Improvement

Direction: In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (1), (2), (3) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is No improvement.

  1. Both of them are good, but this is the best of the two.

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    For comparison between two things Comparative Degree should be used.
    Hence, better is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    For comparison between two things Comparative Degree should be used.
    Hence, better is the right usage.

  1. I’m really sorry but I haven’t got much money myself.

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    No improvement

    Correct Option: B

    No improvement

  1. He said, ‘Let the show begins’

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    Structure of the sentence :
    Let + Object + to + V1 (Plural).
    Hence, ‘Let the show begin’ is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    Structure of the sentence :
    Let + Object + to + V1 (Plural).
    Hence, ‘Let the show begin’ is the right usage.

  1. The museum’s collection includes artefacts dated back to prehistoric times.

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    Date from/back to : to have existed since a particular time in the past.
    Dated : old fashioned.
    Here, dating back to is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    Date from/back to : to have existed since a particular time in the past.
    Dated : old fashioned.
    Here, dating back to is the right usage.

Direction: In the following questions, a sentence/ part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold sentence/part of the sentence which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is No Improvement.

  1. Heartfelt prayers to God will always have expected results.

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    desired result : having a wishful result
    Hence, have desired results is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    desired result : having a wishful result
    Hence, have desired results is the right usage.