Sentence Improvement

Direction: In each of the following questions, a sentence/a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Four alternatives are given to the bold part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, choose No improvement.

  1. At the sound of foot steps he turned round fast really.

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    Here, real fast is the right usage. real (Adv.) : very

    Correct Option: A

    Here, real fast is the right usage. real (Adv.) : very

  1. Come quickly if you will catch the train.

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    Here, Present Simple i.e., you want to is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    Here, Present Simple i.e., you want to is the right usage.

  1. Lying in my room, the music could be heard.

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    Here, Active Voice i.e., I could hear the music is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    Here, Active Voice i.e., I could hear the music is the right usage.

Direction: In each of the following questions a sentence/a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Four alternatives are given to the bold part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, choose the alternative corresponding to No improvement.

  1. It is a place far of here.

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    far from here : distant
    Here, far from here is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    far from here : distant
    Here, far from here is the right usage.

  1. He did not know how to solve the problem and I did not either.

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    Here, neither did I is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    Here, neither did I is the right usage.