Sentence Improvement

Direction: In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (1), (2) and (3) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative.In case no improvement is needed your answer is (4).

  1. Satish told his mother that he had been reading for six hours.

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    No improvement
    To show period of time for is used.

    Correct Option: D

    No improvement
    To show period of time for is used.

  1. Due to power grid collapse essential services like hospitals, the railways and water plants were perturbed.

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    Paralyse (Verb) : to prevent something from functioning normally.
    Perturb (Verb) : to make somebody worried or anxious; alarm.
    Here, were paralysed is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    Paralyse (Verb) : to prevent something from functioning normally.
    Perturb (Verb) : to make somebody worried or anxious; alarm.
    Here, were paralysed is the right usage.

  1. You need to read these kinds of books for the test.

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    Here, this kind of book is the right usage.
    ⇒ What kind of house do you live in ?
    ⇒ Exercises of this kind are popular.

    Correct Option: B

    Here, this kind of book is the right usage.
    ⇒ What kind of house do you live in ?
    ⇒ Exercises of this kind are popular.

Direction: In the following questions, a sentence/part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold sentence/part of the sentence at (1), (2) and (3) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is No Improvement.

  1. Tax–payers are to be conscious of their privileges.

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    have to is used for expressing certainty, necessity and obligation.
    Hence, have to is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    have to is used for expressing certainty, necessity and obligation.
    Hence, have to is the right usage.

  1. Water drawn from a municipal reservoir or a private well, is likely to contain traces of minerals or bacteria.

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    Here, public tank is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    Here, public tank is the right usage.