Sentence Improvement

Direction: In the following questions, a sentence/a part of the sentence is written in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, choose No Improvement.

  1. They tried to win control of the company from their step brothers.

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    wrest (Verb) : to take something such as power or control from something/somebody with great effort.
    inherit (Verb) : to receive money, property, etc, from somebody when they die.
    swindle (Verb) : to cheat somebody in order to get something, especially money, from them
    Here, wrest will replace win.

    Correct Option: C

    wrest (Verb) : to take something such as power or control from something/somebody with great effort.
    inherit (Verb) : to receive money, property, etc, from somebody when they die.
    swindle (Verb) : to cheat somebody in order to get something, especially money, from them
    Here, wrest will replace win.

  1. He is known by others.

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    It is Preposition related error.
    to (prep.) is the right usage.
    ⇒ He is known to the police.
    ⇒ He is known to be an outstanding physicist.

    Correct Option: C

    It is Preposition related error.
    to (prep.) is the right usage.
    ⇒ He is known to the police.
    ⇒ He is known to be an outstanding physicist.

  1. Old habits die hardly.

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    difficult to do/understand/answer
    Here, hard will replace hardly
    Old things die hard means take a long time to change/ end it — used in Present Tense

    Correct Option: A

    difficult to do/understand/answer
    Here, hard will replace hardly
    Old things die hard means take a long time to change/ end it — used in Present Tense

  1. The gold is a precious metal.

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    Gold is an Uncountable Noun (Material Noun).
    It is not proper to use the before it.
    Hence, Gold will replace The gold.

    Correct Option: D

    Gold is an Uncountable Noun (Material Noun).
    It is not proper to use the before it.
    Hence, Gold will replace The gold.

  1. Plants cannot grow without sunshine.

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    No improvement

    Correct Option: A

    No improvement