Indian geography miscellaneous
- Which group of the industries maximize savings on transport costs by being located near the sources of materials?
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Nearness to source of raw materials is one of the key factors that guide the establishment of such industries as iron and steel, and other metal industries. Besides, they are also found near the coal mines which are used in smelting processes.
Correct Option: A
Nearness to source of raw materials is one of the key factors that guide the establishment of such industries as iron and steel, and other metal industries. Besides, they are also found near the coal mines which are used in smelting processes.
- Correlate the following :
Industry Field A.Basic industries 1.Fertiliser B.Strategic industries 2. Petroleum C.Critical industries 3. Automobile D. Goods-based industries 4.Arms and Ammunition
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Basic industries don’t depend on other industries to exist; their raw material is not the output of another industry, but rather their raw material is the stuff of nature itself. The list of basic industries is short. Agriculture, ranching, fishing, forestry, mining, and petroleum constitute an exhaustive list. Strategic industries are industries that a country considers very important for its economic development or defence. Critical industries are mostly related to infrastructure and communication. Any natural or manufactured material that contains at least 5% of one or more of the three primary nutrients - nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), or potassium (K) - can be considered a fertilizer. Industrially manufactured fertilizers are sometimes referred to as “mineral” fertilizers. Fertilizer production entails gathering raw materials from nature; treating them in order to purify them or increase their concentration; converting them into plant-available forms; and often combining them into products that contain more than one nutrient. They are dependent on resources or goods that are externally procured.
Correct Option: D
Basic industries don’t depend on other industries to exist; their raw material is not the output of another industry, but rather their raw material is the stuff of nature itself. The list of basic industries is short. Agriculture, ranching, fishing, forestry, mining, and petroleum constitute an exhaustive list. Strategic industries are industries that a country considers very important for its economic development or defence. Critical industries are mostly related to infrastructure and communication. Any natural or manufactured material that contains at least 5% of one or more of the three primary nutrients - nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), or potassium (K) - can be considered a fertilizer. Industrially manufactured fertilizers are sometimes referred to as “mineral” fertilizers. Fertilizer production entails gathering raw materials from nature; treating them in order to purify them or increase their concentration; converting them into plant-available forms; and often combining them into products that contain more than one nutrient. They are dependent on resources or goods that are externally procured.
- The Iron & Steel Industry at which of the following places was developed with German technical collaboration?
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Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), the first integrated steel plant in the public sector in India, was set up with German collaboration with an installed capacity of 1 million tonnes. Subsequently, its capacity was enhanced to 1.9 million tonnes. RSP was the first plant in India to incorporate LD technology of steel making. It is also the first steel plant in SAIL and the only one presently where 100% of slabs are produced through the cost-effective and quality-centric continuous casting route.
Correct Option: C
Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), the first integrated steel plant in the public sector in India, was set up with German collaboration with an installed capacity of 1 million tonnes. Subsequently, its capacity was enhanced to 1.9 million tonnes. RSP was the first plant in India to incorporate LD technology of steel making. It is also the first steel plant in SAIL and the only one presently where 100% of slabs are produced through the cost-effective and quality-centric continuous casting route.
- The first shore-based, modern, integrated steel plant in India is in
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Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited – Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (RINL-VSP) a Government of Indian Undertaking “Navratna” company popularly known as “Vizag Steel”, a leading Central PSU under the Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India is the first shore-based integrated steel plant in the country with modern technology. RINL-VSP is known for the adoption of new technology and was the first plant in the country to have 100% Continuous Casting technology, Biggest Blast Furnaces of 3200 cu.m, Tall Coke Ovens with Coke Dry Quenching facility, Rolling Mills equipped with world best “Stelmor & Tempcore” Processes, highest captive power generation from Waste heat 40 MW for current 3 Mt and would go up to 90 MW after expansion.
Correct Option: C
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited – Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (RINL-VSP) a Government of Indian Undertaking “Navratna” company popularly known as “Vizag Steel”, a leading Central PSU under the Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India is the first shore-based integrated steel plant in the country with modern technology. RINL-VSP is known for the adoption of new technology and was the first plant in the country to have 100% Continuous Casting technology, Biggest Blast Furnaces of 3200 cu.m, Tall Coke Ovens with Coke Dry Quenching facility, Rolling Mills equipped with world best “Stelmor & Tempcore” Processes, highest captive power generation from Waste heat 40 MW for current 3 Mt and would go up to 90 MW after expansion.
- Which of the following is correctly matched with regard to thermal power projects?
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NTPC Kawas is located at Aditya Nagar, in Surat district in the Indian state of Gujarat. The power plant is one of the gas based power plants of NTPC. The gas for the power plant is sourced from GAIL HBJ Pipeline - South Basin Gas field. Source of water for the power plant is Hazira Branch Canal Singanpur Weir.
Correct Option: D
NTPC Kawas is located at Aditya Nagar, in Surat district in the Indian state of Gujarat. The power plant is one of the gas based power plants of NTPC. The gas for the power plant is sourced from GAIL HBJ Pipeline - South Basin Gas field. Source of water for the power plant is Hazira Branch Canal Singanpur Weir.