Indian geography miscellaneous

  1. The most extensive soil cover of India comprises.

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    Alluvial soil constitutes the largest soil group in India, constituting 80% of the total land surface. It is derived from the deposition of silt carried by rivers and are found in the Great Northern plains from Punjab to the Assam valley. Alluvial soils are generally fertile but they lack nitrogen and tend to be phosphoric.

    Correct Option: C

    Alluvial soil constitutes the largest soil group in India, constituting 80% of the total land surface. It is derived from the deposition of silt carried by rivers and are found in the Great Northern plains from Punjab to the Assam valley. Alluvial soils are generally fertile but they lack nitrogen and tend to be phosphoric.

  1. Generally, the soil of the northern plains of India has been formed by

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    The Northern Fertile Plain lies to the south of Himalayan Region. It is also called the Gangetic Plain. It is a vast plain and level land between the Himalayas in the North and Deccan Plateau in the South. The soil of this plain is built of the sediments brought down by the rivers from the Himalayas. Such plain is called an alluvial plain and is very fertile. This plain is one of the largest and most fertile plains of the World.

    Correct Option: B

    The Northern Fertile Plain lies to the south of Himalayan Region. It is also called the Gangetic Plain. It is a vast plain and level land between the Himalayas in the North and Deccan Plateau in the South. The soil of this plain is built of the sediments brought down by the rivers from the Himalayas. Such plain is called an alluvial plain and is very fertile. This plain is one of the largest and most fertile plains of the World.

  1. Watermelons grow best in

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    Watermelon is a tender, warm-season vegetable. Watermelons can be grown in all parts of the country, but the warmer temperatures and longer growing season of southern areas especially favour it. Watermelons grow best on a sandy loam soil, although yields on clay soils can be increased significantly by mulching raised planting rows with black plastic film.

    Correct Option: B

    Watermelon is a tender, warm-season vegetable. Watermelons can be grown in all parts of the country, but the warmer temperatures and longer growing season of southern areas especially favour it. Watermelons grow best on a sandy loam soil, although yields on clay soils can be increased significantly by mulching raised planting rows with black plastic film.

  1. The percentage of India’s forested land out of total land is

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    According to the India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2015, the total forest cover as percentage of geographical area is 21.34 per cent. Total tree cover as percentage of geographical area is 2.82 per cent. The total forest and tree cover is 79.42 million hectares, which is 24.16 percent of the total geographical area.

    Correct Option: C

    According to the India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2015, the total forest cover as percentage of geographical area is 21.34 per cent. Total tree cover as percentage of geographical area is 2.82 per cent. The total forest and tree cover is 79.42 million hectares, which is 24.16 percent of the total geographical area.

  1. Where is the Forest Research Institute of India located?

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    The Forest Research Institute (FRI)is located at Dehradun in Uttarakhand. Founded as the Imperial Forest Research Institute in 1906, it is one of the oldest institutions of its kind. It is an institute of the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education and is a premier institution in the field of forestry research in India.

    Correct Option: A

    The Forest Research Institute (FRI)is located at Dehradun in Uttarakhand. Founded as the Imperial Forest Research Institute in 1906, it is one of the oldest institutions of its kind. It is an institute of the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education and is a premier institution in the field of forestry research in India.