Indian geography miscellaneous
- Rajasthan reveives very little rain because—
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Rainfall decreases as winds move westwards up the Ganga Plains. Rajasthan receives very little rain as it lies in the rain-shadow of the Aravali Hills. The climate of Rajasthan varies greatly throughout the state. It is very hot and dry in summer in the desert areas, where dust storms also occur, while it is very cold during the winters. To the west of the Aravali range, the weather is characterized by low rainfall with erratic distribution, extremes of diurnal and annual temperatures, low humidity and high wind velocity. While in the east of the Aravali range, the weather is characterized by relatively low wind velocity and high humidity with better rainfall.
Correct Option: D
Rainfall decreases as winds move westwards up the Ganga Plains. Rajasthan receives very little rain as it lies in the rain-shadow of the Aravali Hills. The climate of Rajasthan varies greatly throughout the state. It is very hot and dry in summer in the desert areas, where dust storms also occur, while it is very cold during the winters. To the west of the Aravali range, the weather is characterized by low rainfall with erratic distribution, extremes of diurnal and annual temperatures, low humidity and high wind velocity. While in the east of the Aravali range, the weather is characterized by relatively low wind velocity and high humidity with better rainfall.
- Mumbai receives more rainfall than Pune because
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Pune is on the leeward side of the western ghats and so lies on a rain shadow area. The south-west monsoon empties all moisture on the windward side of the mountain range and reaches Pune with less moisture after crossing the mountain range. But Mumbai lies on the windward side and hence experiences heavy rainfall.
Correct Option: A
Pune is on the leeward side of the western ghats and so lies on a rain shadow area. The south-west monsoon empties all moisture on the windward side of the mountain range and reaches Pune with less moisture after crossing the mountain range. But Mumbai lies on the windward side and hence experiences heavy rainfall.
- Ahmedabad is situated along the bank of
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Ahmedabad is located on the banks of the Sabarmati River in north-central Gujarat. The river flows through the middle of the city and divides it into two physically distinct eastern and western regions. The river originates in the Aravalli Range of Udaipur District of Rajasthan.
Correct Option: A
Ahmedabad is located on the banks of the Sabarmati River in north-central Gujarat. The river flows through the middle of the city and divides it into two physically distinct eastern and western regions. The river originates in the Aravalli Range of Udaipur District of Rajasthan.
- Bhakra Nangal Project is constructed across which river?
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Bhakra Nangal Project is a concrete gravity dam the Satluj River in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. It is a joint venture of the Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan states designed to harness the precious water of the Satluj for the benefit of the concerned states.
Correct Option: B
Bhakra Nangal Project is a concrete gravity dam the Satluj River in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. It is a joint venture of the Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan states designed to harness the precious water of the Satluj for the benefit of the concerned states.
- The only perennial river in Peninsular India is ____ _.
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Kaveri is the only perennial river in peninsular India. Though not snow-fed like the rivers of north India, Kaveri receives rainwater almost all through the year, mainly due to the occurrence of reverse Monsoon in Tamil Nadu, in which monsoon brings a significant amount of rains even during its retreat from the Indian subcontinent.
Correct Option: B
Kaveri is the only perennial river in peninsular India. Though not snow-fed like the rivers of north India, Kaveri receives rainwater almost all through the year, mainly due to the occurrence of reverse Monsoon in Tamil Nadu, in which monsoon brings a significant amount of rains even during its retreat from the Indian subcontinent.