One Word Substitutes

Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentences.

  1. A person who steals the writing of others

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    plagiarist plagiarist (N.) : a person who copies another person’s ideas, words/ work and pretends that they are their own plagiarism (N.) : an act of copying another person’s ideas, words/ work and pretend that they are your own nepotism (N.) : giving unfair advantages to your own family if you are in a position of power (by giving jobs)

    Correct Option: C

    plagiarist plagiarist (N.) : a person who copies another person’s ideas, words/ work and pretends that they are their own plagiarism (N.) : an act of copying another person’s ideas, words/ work and pretend that they are your own nepotism (N.) : giving unfair advantages to your own family if you are in a position of power (by giving jobs)

  1. One who compiles a dictionary

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    lexicographer lexicographer (N.) : a person who writes and edits dictionaries lexicon (N.) : all the words/ phrases used in a particular language/ subject lexical (Adj.) : connected with the words of a language lexicography (N.) : the theory and practice of writing dictionaries

    Correct Option: D

    lexicographer lexicographer (N.) : a person who writes and edits dictionaries lexicon (N.) : all the words/ phrases used in a particular language/ subject lexical (Adj.) : connected with the words of a language lexicography (N.) : the theory and practice of writing dictionaries

  1. Someone not fit to be chosen

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    Correct Option: B


  1. Introductory part or lines to a discourse or play

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    prologue prologue (N.) : a speech, etc. at the beginning of a play, book, or film that introduces it blurb (N.) : a short description of a book, a new product, etc. monoloque (N.) : a dramatic story, told/ performed by one person epiloque (N.) : a speech, etc. at the end of a play, book, or film that acts as a conclusion

    Correct Option: A

    prologue prologue (N.) : a speech, etc. at the beginning of a play, book, or film that introduces it blurb (N.) : a short description of a book, a new product, etc. monoloque (N.) : a dramatic story, told/ performed by one person epiloque (N.) : a speech, etc. at the end of a play, book, or film that acts as a conclusion

  1. Intentional damage to arrest production

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    sabotage sabotage (N.) : the act of doing deliberate damage to equipment, transport, machines, etc. nemesis (N.) : a person/ thing that causes somebody to lose their power, position, etc. and that cannot be avoided sangfroid (N.) : the ability to remain calm in a difficult/ dangerous situation modus operandi (N.) : a particular method of working

    Correct Option: C

    sabotage sabotage (N.) : the act of doing deliberate damage to equipment, transport, machines, etc. nemesis (N.) : a person/ thing that causes somebody to lose their power, position, etc. and that cannot be avoided sangfroid (N.) : the ability to remain calm in a difficult/ dangerous situation modus operandi (N.) : a particular method of working