One Word Substitutes

Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence.

  1. A person who dishonestly pretends to be somebody else

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    impostor (N.) : a person who pretends to be somebody else in order to trick people
    imperialist (N.) : a person who believes in a powerful country increasing its influence over other countries through business, culture, etc.
    impressionist (N.) : an artist who paints in a style developed in France in the late 19th century that uses colours to show the effects of light on things and to suggest atmosphere rather than showing exact details
    implorer (N.) : a person who asks somebody to do something because he wants/ needs it very much

    Correct Option: D

    impostor (N.) : a person who pretends to be somebody else in order to trick people
    imperialist (N.) : a person who believes in a powerful country increasing its influence over other countries through business, culture, etc.
    impressionist (N.) : an artist who paints in a style developed in France in the late 19th century that uses colours to show the effects of light on things and to suggest atmosphere rather than showing exact details
    implorer (N.) : a person who asks somebody to do something because he wants/ needs it very much

  1. A violent storm

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    tempest (N.) : a violent storm
    weather (N.) : the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time (temperature, wind, rain, sun, etc.)
    breeze (N.) : a light mind

    Correct Option: D

    tempest (N.) : a violent storm
    weather (N.) : the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time (temperature, wind, rain, sun, etc.)
    breeze (N.) : a light mind

  1. Careful and thorough enquiry

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    investigation (N.) : an inquiry into unfamiliar/ questionable activities
    interview (N.) : the questioning of a person by a journalist, for a job, for admission in school, college, etc.
    examination (N.) : inspection, test, scrutiny
    exploration (N.) :an examination of something to find out about it

    Correct Option: A

    investigation (N.) : an inquiry into unfamiliar/ questionable activities
    interview (N.) : the questioning of a person by a journalist, for a job, for admission in school, college, etc.
    examination (N.) : inspection, test, scrutiny
    exploration (N.) :an examination of something to find out about it

  1. To keep a great person or event in people’s memory

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    commemorate (V.) : to remind people of an important person/ event from the past with a special action/ object communicate (V.) : to exchange information, news, ideas, etc.
    commensurate (V.) : to match something in size, importance, quality, etc.
    commiserate (V.) : to show sympathy when somebody is upset/ disappointed

    Correct Option: C

    commemorate (V.) : to remind people of an important person/ event from the past with a special action/ object communicate (V.) : to exchange information, news, ideas, etc.
    commensurate (V.) : to match something in size, importance, quality, etc.
    commiserate (V.) : to show sympathy when somebody is upset/ disappointed

  1. Occurring at irregular intervals in time

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    sporadic (N.) : happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular ; intermittent
    epidemic (N.) : a rapid increase in how often something bad happens
    endemic (N.) : regularly found in a particular place/ among a particular group of people and difficult to get rid of
    temporal (N.) : connected with/ limited by time

    Correct Option: D

    sporadic (N.) : happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular ; intermittent
    epidemic (N.) : a rapid increase in how often something bad happens
    endemic (N.) : regularly found in a particular place/ among a particular group of people and difficult to get rid of
    temporal (N.) : connected with/ limited by time