One Word Substitutes

  1. Succession of rulers belonging to one family.

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    Dynasty : a series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family
    Lineage : the series of families that somebody comes from originally
    Ancestry : the family or the race of people that you come from
    Progeny : a person's children ; The young of animals and plants

    Correct Option: A

    Dynasty : a series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family
    Lineage : the series of families that somebody comes from originally
    Ancestry : the family or the race of people that you come from
    Progeny : a person's children ; The young of animals and plants

Direction: Out of four alternatives,choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

  1. Something capable of being done

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    probable : likely to happen, to exist or to be true
    feasible : that is possible and likely to be achieved
    tenable : easy to defend against attack/criticism
    explicable : that ca be explained/understood

    Correct Option: B

    feasible : that is possible and likely to be achieved

  1. A person coming to a foreign land to settle there

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    immigrant : a person who has come to live permanently in a country
    emigrant : a person who leaves his country to live in another
    tourist : a person who is travelling/visiting a place for pleasure
    settler : a person who goes to live in a new country/region

    Correct Option: A

    immigrant : a person who has come to live permanently in a country

  1. Anything which is no longer in use

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    obscure : not well known; unknown
    obsolete : no longer in use
    pristine : fresh and clean
    lapsed : no longer valid

    Correct Option: B

    obsolete : no longer in use

  1. A person who is unable to pay his debts.

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    solvent : having enough to pay your debts
    banker : a person who owns a bank or has an important job at a bank
    insolvent : not having enough money to pay what you owe
    lender : a person/organisation that lends money

    Correct Option: C

    insolvent : not having enough money to pay what you owe