One Word Substitutes
Direction: In the following questions out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence.
- Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure
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barometer (N.) : an instrument for measuring air pressure to show when the weather will change
metronome (N.) : a device that makes a regular sound like a clock and is used by musicians for helping them keep the correct rhythm while playing a piece of music.
compass (N.) : an instrument for finding directions
pedometer (N.) : an instrument for measuring how far you have walkedCorrect Option: D
barometer (N.) : an instrument for measuring air pressure to show when the weather will change
metronome (N.) : a device that makes a regular sound like a clock and is used by musicians for helping them keep the correct rhythm while playing a piece of music.
compass (N.) : an instrument for finding directions
pedometer (N.) : an instrument for measuring how far you have walked
- With much liveliness and a sense of purpose
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jauntily (Adv.) : cheerfully ; lively
lousily (Adv.) : very dirtily/badly
jocularly (Adv.) : with humour; humorously
zealously (Adv.) : with humour; humorouslyCorrect Option: D
jauntily (Adv.) : cheerfully ; lively
lousily (Adv.) : very dirtily/badly
jocularly (Adv.) : with humour; humorously
zealously (Adv.) : with humour; humorously
- Seeing something which is not actually present
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hallucination (N.) : the fact of seeing/hearing something that is not really there
imagination (N.) : the ability to create pictures in your mind
presumption (N.) : something that is thought to be true or probable
supposition (N.) : an idea that you think is true although you may not be able to prove it; assumptionCorrect Option: C
hallucination (N.) : the fact of seeing/hearing something that is not really there
imagination (N.) : the ability to create pictures in your mind
presumption (N.) : something that is thought to be true or probable
supposition (N.) : an idea that you think is true although you may not be able to prove it; assumption
- The practice of having more than one husband
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polyandry (N.) : the custom of having more than one husband at the same time.
polygamy (N.) : the custom of having more than one wife at the same time
bigamy (N.) : the crime of marrying somebody when you are still legally married
debauchery (N.) : immoral behaviour involving sex, alcohol or drugsCorrect Option: A
polyandry (N.) : the custom of having more than one husband at the same time.
polygamy (N.) : the custom of having more than one wife at the same time
bigamy (N.) : the crime of marrying somebody when you are still legally married
debauchery (N.) : immoral behaviour involving sex, alcohol or drugs
- Calmness and indifference to suffering
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stoicism (N.) : the fact of not explaining/showing what you are feeling when you are suffering
despair (N.) : the feeling of having lost all hope
agony (N.) : extreme physical/ mental pain
materialism (N.) :the belief that only material things existCorrect Option: A
stoicism (N.) : the fact of not explaining/showing what you are feeling when you are suffering
despair (N.) : the feeling of having lost all hope
agony (N.) : extreme physical/ mental pain
materialism (N.) :the belief that only material things exist