One Word Substitutes

Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence.

  1. Able to use the left hand and right hand equally well

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    ambidextrous (N.) : able to use both the hands equally well
    ambivert (N.) : a person who is both an introvert and an extrovert
    ambivalent (N.) : having or showing both good and bad feelings
    ambitious (N.) : determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

    Correct Option: B

    ambidextrous (N.) : able to use both the hands equally well
    ambivert (N.) : a person who is both an introvert and an extrovert
    ambivalent (N.) : having or showing both good and bad feelings
    ambitious (N.) : determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

  1. Failing to discharge one's duty

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    dereliction (N.) : wilful negligence ; the fact of deliberately not doing what you ought to do, especially when it is part of your job
    debacle (N.) : an event/a situation that is a complete failure and causes embarrassment
    determination (N.) : the quality that makes you continue trying to do something even when this is difficult
    deterrent (N.) : a thing that makes somebody less likely to do something

    Correct Option: B

    dereliction (N.) : wilful negligence ; the fact of deliberately not doing what you ought to do, especially when it is part of your job
    debacle (N.) : an event/a situation that is a complete failure and causes embarrassment
    determination (N.) : the quality that makes you continue trying to do something even when this is difficult
    deterrent (N.) : a thing that makes somebody less likely to do something

  1. A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house

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    mortgage (N.) : a legal agreement by which a bank lends you money to buy a house
    document (N.) : an official paper/book that gives information
    lease (N.) : a legal agreement that allows you to use a building, a piece of equipment or some land for a period of time, usually in return for rent
    invoice (N.) : a bill

    Correct Option: B

    mortgage (N.) : a legal agreement by which a bank lends you money to buy a house
    document (N.) : an official paper/book that gives information
    lease (N.) : a legal agreement that allows you to use a building, a piece of equipment or some land for a period of time, usually in return for rent
    invoice (N.) : a bill

  1. A movement of part of the body to express an idea or feeling

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    gesture (N.) : a movement made with your hands, head, face to show a specific meaning/feeling/ idea
    jibe (N.) : an unkind remark about somebody
    pose (V.) : to create a problem, to ask a question to sit/stand in a particular position
    mimicry (N.) : the action/skill of being able to copy the voice, movements of others

    Correct Option: B

    gesture (N.) : a movement made with your hands, head, face to show a specific meaning/feeling/ idea
    jibe (N.) : an unkind remark about somebody
    pose (V.) : to create a problem, to ask a question to sit/stand in a particular position
    mimicry (N.) : the action/skill of being able to copy the voice, movements of others

  1. A child born after the death of its father

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    A posthumous child (N.) : given or happening after someone has died
    orphan (N.) : a child whose parents are dead
    deprived child (N.) : a child who is without enough food, education and all the things that are necessary for it to live a happy and comfortable life
    waif (N.) : a thin child who doesn’t have enough to eat

    Correct Option: D

    A posthumous child (N.) : given or happening after someone has died
    orphan (N.) : a child whose parents are dead
    deprived child (N.) : a child who is without enough food, education and all the things that are necessary for it to live a happy and comfortable life
    waif (N.) : a thin child who doesn’t have enough to eat