Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous-topic

Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous-topic

Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous

  1. Low-emissivity coating on a glazing unit

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    Low emissivity coating on a curtain system leads to:
    Visible Light Transmission (VLT): The percentage of visible light that is transmitted through the glazing assembly. This is the essential characteristic for daylighting calculations. A perfectly clear window would have a VLT of 100 per cent. Most practical assemblies for architectural use are between 35 and 80 percent.
    Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SH GC): The percentage of total solar radiant energy that is transmitted through the assembly. This is the essential characteristic for solar gain calculations. For ordinary windows without special coatings, the SHGC and the VLT are the same and sometimes called the shading coefficient (SC).
    However, with modern coated windows, the SHGC is almost always lower than the VLT. Such window systems are generically referred to as lowemissivity or low E and are used in most commercial construction.

    Correct Option: C

    Low emissivity coating on a curtain system leads to:
    Visible Light Transmission (VLT): The percentage of visible light that is transmitted through the glazing assembly. This is the essential characteristic for daylighting calculations. A perfectly clear window would have a VLT of 100 per cent. Most practical assemblies for architectural use are between 35 and 80 percent.
    Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SH GC): The percentage of total solar radiant energy that is transmitted through the assembly. This is the essential characteristic for solar gain calculations. For ordinary windows without special coatings, the SHGC and the VLT are the same and sometimes called the shading coefficient (SC).
    However, with modern coated windows, the SHGC is almost always lower than the VLT. Such window systems are generically referred to as lowemissivity or low E and are used in most commercial construction.

  1. Shodhan House, Ahmedabad was designed by

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    Le Corbusier

    Correct Option: B

    Le Corbusier

  1. Statutory setback of a building depends on

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    In land use, a setback is the minimum distance which a building or other structure must be set back from a street or road, a river or other stream, a shore or flood plain, or any other place which is deemed to need protection.

    Correct Option: A

    In land use, a setback is the minimum distance which a building or other structure must be set back from a street or road, a river or other stream, a shore or flood plain, or any other place which is deemed to need protection.

  1. ‘Summit Curve’ is a term associated with the design of

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    Roads and flyovers

    Design of summit curve on the basis of sight distance. On summit curves, centrifugal force acting outwards hence the springs of vehicle is not compressed and therefore passenger comfort is not a issue. Design of summit curve as a square parabola because the rate of change of slope is decreasing always so more sight distance available at the top of curve.

    Correct Option: A

    Roads and flyovers

    Design of summit curve on the basis of sight distance. On summit curves, centrifugal force acting outwards hence the springs of vehicle is not compressed and therefore passenger comfort is not a issue. Design of summit curve as a square parabola because the rate of change of slope is decreasing always so more sight distance available at the top of curve.

  1. As per CPWD Guidelines and Space Standards for Barrier FreeBuilt Environment, the minimum turning radius for a wheelchair in mm is

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    Correct Option: A