Statement and Conclusion
Direction: In each of the questions given below, there is a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II . You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.
- Statement
Fashion is a form of ugliness, so is tolerable that we have to alter it every six months.
I. Fashion designers do not understand people's mind very well.
II. People by and large are highly susceptible to novelty.
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Both I and II are invalid because they lack proper connectivity with the given statement.
Correct Option: D
Both I and II are invalid because they lack proper connectivity with the given statement.
- Statement
Unemployment is one of the main reason for the poverty of the country.
I. To end poverty, it is required to create employment opportunities.
II. All the people in the country are unemployed.
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Conclusion I is valid because if unemployment is the main reason behind poverty, then creating employment opportuities is the need of the hour. Conclusion II is invalid because of the presence of word 'all'.
Correct Option: A
Conclusion I is valid because if unemployment is the main reason behind poverty, then creating employment opportuities is the need of the hour. Conclusion II is invalid because of the presence of word 'all'.
- Statement
The multinational fast food chains have started their operation in India after facing many problems but association of farmers are ready for competition.
I. Association of farmers are not supporting modernization.
II. Association of Farmers are not ready for competition with the multinational companies.
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Conclusion I is totally unrelated to the statement and Conclusion II is contrary to the statement. Hence, none of the conclusions follows.
Correct Option: D
Conclusion I is totally unrelated to the statement and Conclusion II is contrary to the statement. Hence, none of the conclusions follows.
- Statements
Shyam is not the father of Hari. Hari is the son of Suresh . Suresh has three sons.
I. Hari is the brother of Shyam.
II. Suresh is the father of Hari.
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Conclusion I is invalid conclusion as relation between Hari and shyam is not given. Conclusion II is valid because if Hari is the son of Suresh, then Suresh will definitely be the father of Hari.
Correct Option: B
Conclusion I is invalid conclusion as relation between Hari and shyam is not given. Conclusion II is valid because if Hari is the son of Suresh, then Suresh will definitely be the father of Hari.
- Statement
It is almost impossible to survive and prosper in this world without sacrificing Ethics and Morality.
I. World appreciates some concept but may not uphold it.
II. Concept of Ethics and Morality are not practicable in life.
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Conclusions I and II convey almost the same meaning that principles related to Ethics and Morality seem to be good but are not practicable in real life. Hence, both the conclusions follow.
Correct Option: D
Conclusions I and II convey almost the same meaning that principles related to Ethics and Morality seem to be good but are not practicable in real life. Hence, both the conclusions follow.