Statement and Conclusion

Direction: In each of the following questions, two statements are given followed by two Conclusions I and II. You have to consider the two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly know facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any follow from the given statements.

  1. Statements
    I. Best performance in Olympics fetches a gold medal.
    II. Players 'X' got gold medal but later was found to be using a prohibited drug.
    I . 'X' should be allowed to kept the gold medal.
    II. Gold medal should be withdrawn and given to the next person.

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    If player is found guilty of doping, , his medal is confiscated. therefore, only Conclusion II follows.

    Correct Option: A

    If player is found guilty of doping, , his medal is confiscated. therefore, only Conclusion II follows.

  1. Statements
    I. There are monks among those who are felicitated for remarkable social service .
    II. Jitananda and Vidyananda are among those felicitated.
    I. Jitananda and Vidyananda did remarkable social service
    II. All monks do social service
    III. Jitananda and Vidyananda are not monks.
    IV. All monks are felicitated

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    From both the statements it is clear that Conclusion I is true.

    Correct Option: A

    From both the statements it is clear that Conclusion I is true.

  1. Statements
    I. Science has brought the gadgets of happiness, prosperity and wealth.
    II. Science has not solved the problems of overpopulation.
    I. Overpopulation is due to unscientific thinking.
    II. Science has not helped word peace.

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    Neither Conclusions I nor II follows. Overpopulation is a result of several factors. Therefore, only unscientific thinking can not be held responsible for overpopulation.

    Correct Option: D

    Neither Conclusions I nor II follows. Overpopulation is a result of several factors. Therefore, only unscientific thinking can not be held responsible for overpopulation.

  1. Statement
    I. Conflicts in mind create tension
    II. Resolution of conflict leads to good mental health.
    I. One becomes very hefty and strong by resolving one's conflicts.
    II. Freedom from conflict leads to good mental health.

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    The second statement clearly corroborates the Conclusion II.

    Correct Option: B

    The second statement clearly corroborates the Conclusion II.

Direction: In the following question, two statements are given followed by three conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions if any folow from the given statements

  1. Statement
    I. Water has shape , has volulme.
    II. The knowledge is like water, flowed from one side to other.
    I. The knowledge is interdisciplinary.
    II. The knowledge is bound within a specific area.
    III. The knowledge influences the core of mental activity directly.

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    Fom the statements it is clear that knowledge is interdiciplilnary. Thus, Conclusion I follows.

    Correct Option: A

    Fom the statements it is clear that knowledge is interdiciplilnary. Thus, Conclusion I follows.