Statement and Conclusion

Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement. Give answer

  1. Statement:
    ''In a rural area people generally lack computer skills, some of them are even unaware of the word ''computer'' but not so in my native place.'' - Mr 'X'
    Conclusions :
    I. X's native place is in a rural area .
    II. Most people belonging to X's native place are aware of computer skills.

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    Both I and II follow because of the tone of the statement.

    Correct Option: E

    Both I and II follow because of the tone of the statement.

  1. Statement:
    ''The good news is the shows have been postponed, not cancelled. The bad news is the disappointment of fans and the thousands of pounds lost.''
    ---Criticism made by Mr X. when two mega Bollywood shows were declared postponed.
    Conclusions :
    I. Thousand of viewers were preparing to watch the giant shows.
    II.The shows are to be organised in the UK.

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    The statement does not say about the number of viewers or the ticket rates. Hence I does not follow. Losts of thousands of pounds does not imply that the shows are to be organised in the UK. It may be Jamaica, Lebanon, Egypt etc because these are the countries where pound is the currency used.

    Correct Option: D

    The statement does not say about the number of viewers or the ticket rates. Hence I does not follow. Losts of thousands of pounds does not imply that the shows are to be organised in the UK. It may be Jamaica, Lebanon, Egypt etc because these are the countries where pound is the currency used.

  1. Statement: ''
    India will not withdraw its troops from the border until its satisfied that cross border infiltration has ended.''--- US Defence secretary
    I. India has optimum number of troops to sustain its internal peace.
    II. Infiltration is a serious problem.

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    'Not withdrawing troops' implies conclusion II.

    Correct Option: B

    'Not withdrawing troops' implies conclusion II.

  1. Statement:
    ''Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview and those who are not in receipt of call letters, need not unnecessarily correspond.''-An instruction to candidates by a recruitment cell
    Conclusions :
    I. If a candidate possesses the required qualities which are conducive to his/her candidature than he/she must be sent a call letter for interview.
    II. Recruitment cell will not respond at all to those candidates who are not in receipt of cell letters.

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    I Follows form the tone of the statement. But II does not follow from the statement. See the word 'unnecessarily' used in the statement.

    Correct Option: A

    I Follows form the tone of the statement. But II does not follow from the statement. See the word 'unnecessarily' used in the statement.

  1. Statement:
    Plans have been formalised to recruit Asian and black police officers from abroad, especially from India, to fill the increasing manpower shortage in Britain.
    Conclusions :
    I. Britain does not have its own efficient manpower to meet its demand.
    II. The Indian police service conditions and the country's laws are almost akin to the British service conditions and criminal law and procedures.

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    Recruiting officers from abroad implies. I Conclusion II can't be correlated with the statements.

    Correct Option: A

    Recruiting officers from abroad implies. I Conclusion II can't be correlated with the statements.