Statement and Conclusion

Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement. Give answer

  1. Statement:
    The complaint of poor customer service is partly correct and it certainly needs be improved.
    Conclusions :
    I. Poor customer service can be improved.
    II. The speaker knows about the poor customer service of the company .

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    From the statement it is clear that the speaker wants improvement in the customer service. Whether it can be improved or not can't be determined from the statement. Hence I does not follow. As the speaker is accepting about the poor services, it may be inferred that be knows about it. Hence II follows.

    Correct Option: B

    From the statement it is clear that the speaker wants improvement in the customer service. Whether it can be improved or not can't be determined from the statement. Hence I does not follow. As the speaker is accepting about the poor services, it may be inferred that be knows about it. Hence II follows.

  1. Statement:
    Rape rarely has witness, which is why the law has laid the onus of proving innocence on the accused.
    I. The accused can prove himself innocent.
    II. Witnesses are available in case other than rape.

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    From the clause rape rarely has witness II can be derived. As the law laid the onus of proving innocence on the accused, so I can be inferred.

    Correct Option: E

    From the clause rape rarely has witness II can be derived. As the law laid the onus of proving innocence on the accused, so I can be inferred.

  1. Statement:
    Nobody advise motorcyclists and pillion-riders in Britain, Holland, Italy and other countries to wear helmets. It is a matter of sheer common sense and elementary prudence.
    I. The citizens of Britain, Holland and Italy are literate.
    II. The citizens of Britain , Holland and Italy are conscious regarding their safety .

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    The matter of the literacy or illiteracy can't be determined from the statement. Hence I does not follows. II follows from the tone of the statement.

    Correct Option: B

    The matter of the literacy or illiteracy can't be determined from the statement. Hence I does not follows. II follows from the tone of the statement.

  1. Statement:
    The Esteem is one of the most fuel-efficient cars in its segment with a light foot ensuring 12.5 km to a liter in city without A/C and about 11 with A/C on.
    Conclusions :
    I. A/C in car is run by the same fuel that ensures the car's mobility.
    II. With A/c on, Fiat ensures only 10 km to a litre.

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    I can be concluded because the mileage goes down with A/C no. II can't concluded because we don't know what category Fiat falls in.

    Correct Option: A

    I can be concluded because the mileage goes down with A/C no. II can't concluded because we don't know what category Fiat falls in.

Direction: In each of the question below one statement is followed by blank space which is followed by a conclusion which can be drawn from either the statement given in the question or from the statement given in the question and an addition statement which may fit the blank space. You have to study the question and the alternatives which provide a statement and decide which of the answer best fits between the given statement and conclusion ?

  1. Statement I
    A severe cyclonic storm is likely to hit the western coast by next forty eight hours.
    There was no casualty of human beings and caused considerably less distress to the people living in the Western coastline.
    A. Statement II
    The weather department failed to forecast severity of the cyclonic storm.
    B. Statement II
    Most of the people living in the Western coast were shifted to safe shelters with food and water.
    C. Statement II
    The Government machinery was inadequate to move people out of the coastal area in time.

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    The conclusion that there was no casualty of human beings indicates that people must have been shifted to a safe place before the storm hit.

    Correct Option: B

    The conclusion that there was no casualty of human beings indicates that people must have been shifted to a safe place before the storm hit.