Statement and Conclusion

Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement. Give answer

  1. Statement:
    The Center is disinvesting in profit-making PSUs, which is wrong. It is doing so to meet its deficit.
    Conclusions :
    I. The Center should disinvest in loos-making PSUs.
    II. The Centre has a surplus.

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    We are not told anything about the loss -making PSUs. So I does not follow .II states just the opposite of what the statement says. Surplus and deficit are antonyms.

    Correct Option: E

    We are not told anything about the loss -making PSUs. So I does not follow .II states just the opposite of what the statement says. Surplus and deficit are antonyms.

  1. Statement:
    ''A five per cent increase in freight and passenger fares will yield only Rs 500 cr in the remaining part of the current financial year.''___The railway minister
    Conclusions :
    I. At least ten per cent increase was being expected .
    II. The railway minister is a rich man.

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    The word only suggests that 5% is inadequate. But we are not told what the adequate level is. So I does not follow. II cannot be ascertained because when a railway minister talk of public funds, it is not on the basis of his private property. Even a poor man can deal with large public funds.

    Correct Option: E

    The word only suggests that 5% is inadequate. But we are not told what the adequate level is. So I does not follow. II cannot be ascertained because when a railway minister talk of public funds, it is not on the basis of his private property. Even a poor man can deal with large public funds.

  1. Statement:
    If India aims at becoming an information technology (IT) superpower over the next decade, it is about time to acknowledge the need for producing a pool of professionals.
    Conclusions :
    I. India is on the verge of becoming IT superpower.
    II. Indian has adequate IT professionals but in order to retain them there is need to reward them suitably to prevent their migration abroad.

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    As the statement is talking about becoming a superpower, we can conclude that it is about to become so. Hence I follows. Nothing can be concluded about the migration of IT professional. Hence II does not follow.

    Correct Option: A

    As the statement is talking about becoming a superpower, we can conclude that it is about to become so. Hence I follows. Nothing can be concluded about the migration of IT professional. Hence II does not follow.

  1. Statement:
    In the Union budget 2000-0 1 defence allocation has been raised to Rs 58.587 cr from Rs 45,694 cr.
    Conclusions :
    I. Govt is paying greater attention to national security.
    II. The difference in budget allocation is due to inflationary reasons.

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    Either I or II follows.

    Correct Option: C

    Either I or II follows.

  1. Statement:
    The workplace of today, and certainly tomorrow, is no longer going to remain an exclusive 'man's world'. It is going to transform itself into a much fairer 'person's world'. where men and women work together as individuals.
    Conclusions :
    I. Sexual bias towards men at workplace is being removed by and by.
    II. Women are as efficient as their male counterpart.

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    The clause ''no longer going to remain an exclusive man's world'' clearly indicates that previously the workplace was dominated by men -a scenario that is now changing . Hence I follows. II can not be inferred from the given statement.

    Correct Option: A

    The clause ''no longer going to remain an exclusive man's world'' clearly indicates that previously the workplace was dominated by men -a scenario that is now changing . Hence I follows. II can not be inferred from the given statement.