Statement and Argument
Direction: In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between ''Strong'' arguments and ''Weak'' arguments insofar as they relate to the question. ''Strong'' arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. ''Weak'' arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.
- Statement:
Should government make it mandatory to make rooftop rainwater harvesting for every builder in the city?
Arguments :
I. Yes, in a scientific study, it has been established that we can capture and recharge 65,000 liters of rainwater in Delhi from a 100-sq-m size rooftop and meet drinking and domestic water requirement of a family of four for 160 days.
II. Yes, the ground water level in some areas is falling at the rate of one metre per year and compounding water crisis problem.
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I shows the benefits of rooftop rainwater harvesting: hence I is strong. II is strong as it talks of the necessity.
Correct Option: E
I shows the benefits of rooftop rainwater harvesting: hence I is strong. II is strong as it talks of the necessity.
- Statement:
Should 'Information Technology' be made a compulsory subject for all students at secondary school certificate (SSC) examination in India?
I. No, it will be an imitation western models.
II. Yes, this is an ere of information technology and we are excelling in this field very rapidly.
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Argument I is too simplistic. Hence I is not strong but II is because it pinpoints the positive feature.
Correct Option: B
Argument I is too simplistic. Hence I is not strong but II is because it pinpoints the positive feature.
- Statement:
Should 'literacy' be the minimum criterion for becoming a bus on the road of metropolitan cities?
I. Yes, illiterate bus drivers are less likely to understand the traffic rules and signals.
II. No, driving needs mechanical skill only .
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Arguments I is strong because it pinpoints the negative feature of an illiterate bus driver . II is not strong because mechanical skill is not enough. Traffic rules are also important.
Correct Option: A
Arguments I is strong because it pinpoints the negative feature of an illiterate bus driver . II is not strong because mechanical skill is not enough. Traffic rules are also important.
- Statement:
Should bullock carts be banned from running on the busy city roads?
I. Yes, they are slow-moving vehicles and compound the traffic problems for fast -moving vehicles.
II. No, it is cheap medium of transportation as well as environment-friendly.
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I is strong because it focusses on the problems caused by bullock carts.
Correct Option: A
I is strong because it focusses on the problems caused by bullock carts.
- Statement:
In view of the Enron disaster should there be a global set of norms for auditing firms?
Arguments :
I. Yes, in this way no such disaster will happen again.
II. No, this will give chances to developed countries to fulfil their vested interests.
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if neither I nor II is strong; and
Correct Option: D
if neither I nor II is strong; and