Statement and Argument
Direction: In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between ''Strong'' arguments and ''Weak'' arguments insofar as they relate to the question. ''Strong'' arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. ''Weak'' arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.
- Statement:
Should MNCs be allowed to start 100% owned subsidiaries in India?
I. Yes, our neighbours have permitted.
II. No, India 's entrepreneurial system needs protection.
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I is an absurd argument. It is not necessary that what fits others will fit us. II is a strong argument. India has to balance the competitive environment with some protection to domestic entrepreneurs. Even developed countries change their laws to protect their entrepreneurs.
Correct Option: B
I is an absurd argument. It is not necessary that what fits others will fit us. II is a strong argument. India has to balance the competitive environment with some protection to domestic entrepreneurs. Even developed countries change their laws to protect their entrepreneurs.
- Statement :
Should students be banned from carrying mobile phones in college campuses?
I. No, mobile phone has become essential for an individual and one needs to keep to all day.
II. Yes, mobile phones district students from studies.
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Argument I is weak because it says virtually nothing. II is strong because distraction from studies is not desirable.
Correct Option: B
Argument I is weak because it says virtually nothing. II is strong because distraction from studies is not desirable.
- Statement:
Should Parliamentary and Assembly elections in India be clubbed together?
I. Yes, it will bring down the costs of conducting the elections.
II. No, our country consists of a large number of illiterate voters who lack sufficient ability to carry these two responsibilities together and this in the long run will jeopardise our democracy.
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Argument I is strong because cost-cutting is desirable, II is weak because illiteracy and lack of ability will be as much an impediment in a combined election as in separate elections.
Correct Option: A
Argument I is strong because cost-cutting is desirable, II is weak because illiteracy and lack of ability will be as much an impediment in a combined election as in separate elections.
- Statement:
Should films based on ghosts be banned?
I. No, film-making is an absolute art.
II. Yes, it helps increase superstition.
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Argument I is weak because it is vague. II is strong because superstition is not desirable.
Correct Option: B
Argument I is weak because it is vague. II is strong because superstition is not desirable.
- Statement :
Railways should introduce conductors (like those in the buses ) for selling tickets on running trains.
I. Yes, that would reduce the number of ticketless passengers significantly.
II. No, that would unnecessarily complicate the procedure and increase cost as the salaries to the conductors would be much more then those in the existing system.
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Sometimes people in hurry prefer catching the train although they have no intention to travel without paying . Such people will buy ticket. So I is strong . Revenue earning could be more than that of existing system. Which may supersede the extra costs. So II may not be strong.
Correct Option: C
Sometimes people in hurry prefer catching the train although they have no intention to travel without paying . Such people will buy ticket. So I is strong . Revenue earning could be more than that of existing system. Which may supersede the extra costs. So II may not be strong.