
Direction: The pair of words in capitals is followed by four pairs of related words/phrases, which best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

  1. Contiguous : Abut

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    Both the words are synonyms of each other.

    Correct Option: C

    Both the words are synonyms of each other.

Direction: For each of the following questions select the answer pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that expressed in the given pair.

  1. Omniscient : Knowledge

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    'Omniscient' is an adjective used for someone who has the ' Knowledge' of all things. Similarly, ' Boundless' is an adjective used for ' Expanse'

    Correct Option: B

    'Omniscient' is an adjective used for someone who has the ' Knowledge' of all things. Similarly, ' Boundless' is an adjective used for ' Expanse'

  1. Nebulous : Form

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    A nebulous from means having an ambiguous from same as an insipid taste which is dull, boring, almost no taste.

    Correct Option: C

    A nebulous from means having an ambiguous from same as an insipid taste which is dull, boring, almost no taste.

Direction: A pair of word is given in each question bearing a certain relationship. Based on that find the pair from options that will bear the same relationship.

  1. Russia : Moscow

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    Country and capital pair.

    Correct Option: B

    Country and capital pair.

  1. Patriotism : Citizens

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    A Citizen must be patriotic to his Country. Similarly, a Student should concentrate on Studies.

    Correct Option: C

    A Citizen must be patriotic to his Country. Similarly, a Student should concentrate on Studies.