
  1. If table is called chair, chair is called cot, cot is called pot and pot is called filter, where does a person sit?

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    A person sits on Chair and here Chair is called as Cot. So, the person sits on Cot.

    Correct Option: B

    A person sits on Chair and here Chair is called as Cot. So, the person sits on Cot.

  1. If the second, third, fifth, eighth and ninth letters of the word CONTEMPLATION are combined to form a meaningful word, what will be the middle letter of thet word? If more than one such words can be formed, your answer is X and if no such word can be formed, your answer is Y.

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    After forming the new ser of letters according to the question only one meaningful word can be formed i.e., ALONE. So, the midle letter is O.

    Correct Option: B

    After forming the new ser of letters according to the question only one meaningful word can be formed i.e., ALONE. So, the midle letter is O.

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    All other object are used for carrying purpose.

    Correct Option: A

    All other object are used for carrying purpose.`

Direction: In these question, there are four groups of letters, words or number listed as a, b, c and d. One of the groups does not belong to the same category as other. Find the odd one out.

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    All the words are noun except EAT, which is a verb.

    Correct Option: C

    All the words are noun except EAT, which is a verb.

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    'Q' occupies the odd position i.e. 17 in the English alphabetical order whereas other occupy the even positions.

    Correct Option: C

    'Q' occupies the odd position i.e. 17 in the English alphabetical order whereas other occupy the even positions.