Direction: In the following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is (4), i.e. No error.

  1. Solve the question according to given instruction.

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    wander will replace wonder about
    wonder about : to be curious/in doubt about someone/something
    Wander (of a person’s mind/thoughts) : to stop being
    directed on something and to move without much control to other ideas, subjects, etc.
    Look at the examples given below :
    I wonder about life on other planets.
    Try not to let your mind wander

    Correct Option: B

    wander will replace wonder about
    wonder about : to be curious/in doubt about someone/something
    Wander (of a person’s mind/thoughts) : to stop being
    directed on something and to move without much control to other ideas, subjects, etc.
    Look at the examples given below :
    I wonder about life on other planets.
    Try not to let your mind wander

  1. Solve the question according to given instruction.

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    It being a holiday will replace being a holiday
    Combination of two/more sentences is possible only when the sentences have a common Subject.
    Look at the examples given below :
    I read the book. I returned it to the library.
    Combining the two sentences we get –
    Having read the book I returned it to the library. (✔)
    Reading the book I returned it to the library. (×)
    Another example –
    It was a rainy day. I could not go.
    It being a rainy day I could not go.

    Correct Option: A

    It being a holiday will replace being a holiday
    Combination of two/more sentences is possible only when the sentences have a common Subject.
    Look at the examples given below :
    I read the book. I returned it to the library.
    Combining the two sentences we get –
    Having read the book I returned it to the library. (✔)
    Reading the book I returned it to the library. (×)
    Another example –
    It was a rainy day. I could not go.
    It being a rainy day I could not go.

Direction: In the following questions, some part of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, then your answer is (4), i.e., No error.

  1. Solve the question according to given instruction.

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    do not (don’t) love you will replace am not loving you because – Verbs that show emotion/senses – love, feel, see, are Stative Verbs. They are not used in Progressive Tenses.

    Correct Option: C

    do not (don’t) love you will replace am not loving you because – Verbs that show emotion/senses – love, feel, see, are Stative Verbs. They are not used in Progressive Tenses.

Direction: In the following questions, some parts of sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is (4), i.e. No error.

  1. Solve the question according to given instruction.

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    differs will replace differ because – A technical view (Subject) is Singular. A Singular Subject agrees with Singular Verb (with s)
    Hence, sometimes differs is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    differs will replace differ because – A technical view (Subject) is Singular. A Singular Subject agrees with Singular Verb (with s)
    Hence, sometimes differs is the right usage.

  1. Solve the question according to given instruction

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    has will replace have because – with every, many a, Singular Verb will be used.
    Hence, has realized is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    has will replace have because – with every, many a, Singular Verb will be used.
    Hence, has realized is the right usage.